Falling or choking is a concern among people living with癫痫——但它不是唯一的一个。突然联合国的风险expected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is also a fear.

如果你或者你爱的人seizures, a number of questions might run through your mind. For example, can you die from an epileptic seizure? Or, can you die from a seizure in your sleep?

The short answer is yes, but while possible, death from epilepsy is also rare.

When you hear of someone dying from a seizure, you might assume the person fell and hit their head. This can happen.


The exact cause of these deaths is unknown, yet researchers believe an extended pause in breathing leads to less oxygen in the blood and suffocation. Another theory is that the seizure causes a fatal disruption in heart rhythm, resulting in the heart stopping.

Each year there are 1.16 incidents of sudden death for every 1,000 people with epilepsy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . Experts believe it’s likely that many SUDEP cases aren’t reported and so the number of SUDEP cases may be higher.

Your brain contains countless nerve cells that create, send, and receive electrical impulses. Seizures occur when a sudden electrical disturbance in the brain causes these nerve cells to misfire.

This can trigger:

  • 身体无法控制
  • 意识丧失
  • temporary confusion
  • loss of awareness

Seizures vary in severity and length. Milder seizures may not cause convulsions and may only lasts 30 seconds. Other seizures, however, can cause a person’s entire body to shake rapidly and last as long as 2 to 5 minutes.

A seizure can be a one-time event after ahead injury,stroke,或感染。癫痫is a condition characterized by recurrent seizures.


While still low, the likelihood of dying from a seizure is higher in people who have a history of frequent, uncontrollable seizures, as well as those who have a history of tonic-clonic seizures (sometimes called grand mal seizures).

补品持续性癫痫发作are a severe type of epileptic seizure. These can cause sudden loss of consciousness, convulsions, and loss of bladder control.

The chance of sudden death is also higher in individuals whose seizures begin at a young age. However, unexpected death is extremely 罕见 在幼儿。

The risk of sudden death also increases the longer you live with epilepsy.

不服用药物和喝过多的酒精也可能会导致Sudep。发生的癫痫发作during sleep似乎是 a risk factor for SUDEP.

risk factors for dying from seizures
  • history of frequent, uncontrollable seizures
  • tonic-clonic seizures
  • having seizures since you were very young
  • a long history of epilepsy
  • 不服用抗塞氏剂药物
  • drinking too much alcohol

Take your抗菌药物as directed to prevent seizures. See a doctor if your current therapy isn’t effective. Your doctor may need to adjust your dosage or prescribe a different medication.

It’s also helpful to identifyseizure triggers. These differ from person-to-person, so pinpointing your specific triggers can be tricky. It might help to keep a seizure diary.



  • What time of day did the seizure occur?
  • Did the seizure happen after exposure to bright, flashing lights?
  • Did you drink alcohol before a seizure? If so, how much?
  • Were you under emotional stress before a seizure?
  • Did you consume caffeine before the seizure?
  • Did you have a fever?
  • Were you sleep deprived or overly tired?

Keeping a seizure diary can identify patterns or situations that bring on seizures. Avoiding your triggers could potentially reduce your number of attacks.

Use the “notes” feature on your phone to track seizures, or download a seizure diary app to your smartphone or tablet.

您还可以通过避免过多的酒精来降低致命癫痫发作的风险。此外,请确保您的家人知道seizure first aid.

This includes putting you on the floor and lying you on one side of your body. This position can help you breathe easier. They should also loosen neck ties and unbutton shirts around the neck.


Conditions that can mimic a seizure include amigraine attack, stroke,发肠病毒, 和图雷特综合征.

为了准确诊断癫痫发作,您的医生会询问您的病史以及导致癫痫发作的事件。你可能有一个electroencephalogram (EEG), which is a test that records the electrical activity in the brain. It helps detect abnormalities in brain waves.

An EEG can diagnose different types of seizures, and help predict whether a seizure is likely to occur again.

Your doctor may also order tests to determine the underlying cause of seizures. A neurological exam can look for abnormalities in your nervous system, whereas a blood test can check for infections or genetic conditions that may contribute to seizures.

Imaging tests are also used to look for tumors, lesions, or cysts in your brain. These include a CT scan, an MRI, or a PET scan.

A seizure triggered by an isolated event doesn’t usually require treatment. If you have more than one seizure, however, your doctor may prescribe an anti-seizure medication to prevent future attacks.

不同的药物are effective against seizures. Your doctor will recommend one or more possible medications based on the type of seizure.

When anti-seizure medications don’t work, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the part of the brain where seizures originate. Keep in mind that this procedure only works when seizures start in the same place.

您可能还成为刺激疗法的候选人。选项包括vagus nerve stimulation, responsive neural stimulation, or大脑刺激. These therapies help inhibit seizures by regulating normal brain activity.


The key to managing attacks is understanding your risk and taking steps to avoid common triggers.

根据癫痫Foundation, with treatment, nearly 6 out of 10 people living with epilepsy will become seizure-free within a few years .

Yes, a seizure can cause death. But while possible, this is a rare occurrence.

Talk to your doctor if you feel that your current anti-seizure therapy isn’t working. You can discuss a different combination of medication or explore add-on therapies to help control your attacks.