What Is Enteroscopy?



  • double balloon enteroscopy
  • double bubble
  • 胶囊肠镜检查
  • 推动和拉动肠镜检查


肠镜检查makes it possible to diagnose or evaluate diseases within the body without making an incision. It’s commonly used to detect problems in the small intestine or stomach. Your doctor may recommend enteroscopy if you have any of the following:

  • 高白细胞计数
  • 小肠中的肿瘤
  • 被封闭的肠道段落
  • 异常胃肠道出血
  • 辐射治疗肠道损伤
  • 无法解释的严重腹泻
  • unexplained malnutrition
  • 异常X射线结果

Your doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. Make sure to follow them carefully. You may need to:

  • stop taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications
  • avoid solid foods and milk after 10 p.m. the night before the procedure
  • 只有饮料清除液体的过程
  • 在程序前至少四小时避免所有液体

一个小肠镜是一种门诊手术,means that you can go home the same day as the procedure. It usually takes between 45 minutes and two hours to complete.


During the procedure, your doctor will record a video or take pictures. These can be reviewed in more detail after the procedure is done. Your doctor may also take tissue samples or remove existing tumors. The removal of any tissue or tumor won’t cause any pain.

Depending on the type of problem you’re having, your doctor will perform either an upper enteroscopy or a lower enteroscopy. An upper enteroscopy allows your doctor to view and treat the upper part of the digestive system. A lower enteroscopy allows your doctor to view and treat the lower part.

Upper Enteroscopy


Throughout your upper enteroscopy, you’ll have to remain alert. Your doctor may need you to swallow or move to help get the tube in place. If any growths or other abnormalities are found during enteroscopy, your doctor may remove a sample of tissue for further examination.


Once you’re sedated, your doctor will insert an endoscope with a balloon on the end into your rectum. Once the endoscope reaches the area that your doctor wants to see or treat, the balloon is inflated. This allows your doctor to get a better view. If any polyps or abnormal growths are found, your doctor may remove a tissue sample for analysis.

This procedure is also called acolonoscopy


  • 喉咙痛
  • abdominal bloating
  • nausea
  • 轻微出血
  • mild cramping

In rare cases, people may have complications after an enteroscopy procedure. These include胰腺炎, internal bleeding, and tearing in the wall of the small intestine. Some people might also have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. This is why enteroscopy usually isn’t recommended for pregnant women, overweight people, or people with heart or lung disease.


  • more than a few tablespoons of blood in your stool
  • severe stomach pain
  • 坚定,肚子肿
  • a fever
  • 呕吐

Abnormal results may indicate that the doctor discovered tumors, abnormal tissue, or bleeding in the small intestine. Other possible causes for an abnormal enteroscopy include:

  • 维生素B-12缺乏
  • 胃或肠道病毒
  • 克罗恩病, which is an inflammatory bowel disease
  • lymphoma,这是淋巴结的癌症
  • Whipple disease,这是一种阻止小肠免受吸收营养素的感染
