
根据 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 。By the age of 80, nearly 90 percent of men will live with BPH.

The good news is that a diet rich in certain vitamins and minerals can keep your prostate healthy and lower your risk for BPH. Being overweight is another risk factor for developing the condition. So making nutritious food choices is also a great way to lower both your weight and your risk.

芝麻籽富含锌。根据一项研究,矿物质对前列腺的健康至关重要 Indian Journal of Urology 。BPH或前列腺癌的男性在其身体中含有较低水平的锌,有时高达75%的人低于健康前列腺的75%。


Astudyon rats show that pumpkin seeds may also be beneficial for managing BPH.


一篇评论 建议 随着锻炼而增加ω-3s以减少肥胖和体重增加。鲑鱼富含欧米茄3脂肪酸。这些健康的脂肪可以保护您:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • 癌症
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • inflammation
  • weight gain


根据这一点梅奥诊所, vitamin C found in vegetables may play a role in fighting BPH. Bell peppers contain a lot of vitamin C: One cup of raw bell peppers contains nearly200 percentof your daily required intake of vitamin C. Other vegetables rich in vitamin C that you may want to add to your diet include:

  • 西兰花
  • 菜花
  • kale
  • Brussels sprouts

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, the bright carotenoid, which gives the plant its red color. Lycopene may lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. It can also help men with BPH, according to the 国家癌症研究所

One study 锯番茄红素减缓了参与者BPH的进展。番茄红素还有助于降低前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)与前列腺炎症,BPH和前列腺癌。只需确保将您的番茄红素富含食物用诸如鳄梨,坚果,油或黄油等脂肪来增强吸收。

You can get lycopene in:

  • tomatoes
  • watermelon
  • apricots
  • 粉红葡萄柚
  • 番木瓜

鳄梨含有丰富的β-席甾醇,一种植物甾醇,旨在减少与BPH相关的症状。一些服用β-谷甾醇补充剂的人表示,它们具有更好的尿流量和更少的残留尿量。然而梅奥诊所warns that the safety and effectiveness of beta-sitosterol supplements have not been proved.

Besides avocados, other foods rich in beta-sitosterol include:

  • pumpkin seeds
  • 小麦胚芽
  • soybeans
  • 胡桃

Eating more vegetables can help lower your risk of BPH. Green leafy vegetables are especially important because they are rich in antioxidants. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli also reduce the risk of prostate problems, including BPH and prostate cancer.


One older study 看到大豆异黄酮降低了BPH生长。但最近的 one 建议that soy only decreases cancerous cell growth in prostates.

其他 study found that soy isoflavones help with symptoms and signs of lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH.


  • 豆浆
  • 临时
  • edamame or cooked soybeans
  • 烤大豆
  • soy yogurt