What is empyema?

Empyema is also called pyothorax or purulent pleuritis. It’s a condition in which pus gathers in the area between the lungs and the inner surface of the chest wall. This area is known as the pleural space. Pus is a fluid that’s filled with immune cells, dead cells, and bacteria. Pus in the pleural space can’t be coughed out. Instead, it needs to be drained by a needle or surgery.




The biggest risk factor for empyema is having pneumonia. Empyema occurs most frequently in children and older adults. However, it’s fairly uncommon. In onestudy,它发生在不到1%的肺炎儿童中。

Having the following conditions can also increase your chances of empyema after pneumonia:

Empyema can be simple or complex.


简单的脓肿occurs in the early stages of the illness. A person has this type if the pus is free-flowing. The symptoms of simple empyema include:

  • 呼吸急促
  • dry cough
  • fever
  • 出汗
  • 胸痛when breathing that may be described as stabbing
  • 头痛
  • 混乱
  • 食欲不振





  • difficulty breathing
  • decreased breath sounds
  • 减肥
  • 胸痛

In rare instances, a case of complex empyema can lead to more severe complications. These include败血症和a collapsed lung, also called a气胸。败血症的症状包括:

  • 高烧
  • chills
  • rapid breathing
  • fast heart rate
  • low blood pressure

A collapsed lung can cause sudden, sharp chest pain and shortness of breath that gets worse when coughing or breathing.

These conditions can be fatal. If you have these symptoms, you should call 911 or have someone drive you to an emergency room.


  • ChestX-raysCT扫描will show whether or not there’s fluid in the pleural space.
  • 胸部的超声波将显示流体及其确切位置。
  • 血液测试可以帮助检查白细胞计数,寻找C反应蛋白,并确定引起感染的细菌。当您感染时,白细胞计数可以升高。
  • thoracentesis, a needle is inserted through the back of your ribcage into the pleural space to take a sample of fluid. The fluid is then analyzed under a microscope to look for bacteria, protein, and other cells.


The method used to drain the pus depends on the stage of the empyema.

In simple cases, a needle can be inserted into the pleural space to drain the fluid. This is called percutaneousthoracentesis

In the later stages, or complex empyema, a drainage tube must be used to drain the pus. This procedure is usually performed under anesthesia in an operating room. There are different types of surgery for this:


Video-assisted thoracic surgery:您的外科医生将去除肺周围的受影响的组织,然后插入排水管或使用药物去除液体。他们将创建三个小切口,并在此过程中使用称为胸腔镜的微型相机。

Open decortication:In this surgery, your surgeon will peel away the pleural peel.


