Puberty is an expected part of development that causes many changes in the body. During this time, children mature and develop into adults.



  • anxiety
  • depression
  • body image issues
  • low self-esteem

Here’s what you need to know about the emotional and mental impact of CPP and what you can do to help.

CPP is a condition that causes the process of puberty to start at a very early age.

Puberty symptoms in a boy younger than 9 years old or a girl younger than 8 years old may indicate CPP, according to the美国家庭医师学会(AAFP).

Signs of puberty, regardless of age, include:

  • 增长突飞猛进
  • 粉刺
  • 体味
  • underarm and pubic hair
  • deepening voice in boys
  • breast development and the start of menstruation in girls
  • enlargement of the testicles and penis in boys

The exact reason some kids start puberty early is not known. However, experts believe that in children with CPP, the brain signals the hypothalamus to begin releasing gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone (GnRH) earlier than it should.

原因通常是未知的。但是在某些情况下,CPP可能源于health problemsthat occur in the brain, such as:

  • 脑肿瘤
  • trauma
  • infections
  • 其他大脑异常
  • radiation to the brain, such as cancer treatment


Language matters



Reaching puberty early can trigger a lot of emotions in children, especially when it happens before their peers, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) .


A 2019年研究 发现抑郁症状的增加似乎与青春期过渡初期出现的身体变化有关,尤其是对于比同龄人早熟的女孩。


A2017 literature reviewfound that girls with CPP may also experience mood swings and irritability, which can interfere with peer and family relationships. Researchers also point out that girls with CPP deal with the fear of comments from peers. Together, these feelings may increase isolation and social withdrawal.

Findings from a 2019年研究 suggest early puberty may be a risk factor for mental health disorders. One reason for this, according to the study, is that children who mature physically at a younger age may not have the mental or emotional maturity to deal with the social challenges and stressors that can come with appearing older than they actually are. For instance, an early sex drive can cause problems if a child becomes sexually active before they are mentally or emotionally ready.

Moreover, research from a2018 studysuggests that earlier ages of first menstruation were associated with higher rates of behavioral issues and depressive symptoms in early to middle adulthood. Behavioral issues may include:

  • 入店行窃
  • 财产损失
  • 出门在外
  • 对父母撒谎

According to the researchers, this continuation of mental health and behavioral issues into adulthood may have happened because the difficulties that started in adolescence did not diminish over time. Behavioral issues tend to lessen as the person ages, however, and their effects were相对谦虚比抑郁症状的影响小。

帮助你的孩子在青春期早期critical. Not only do they rely on you for support and guidance, but sometimes kids just need someone to listen to them when they are scared, confused, and unsure about themselves.

Here are some things you can do to help your child.

Research CPP and build a team of healthcare professionals

Because CPP affects young children, one role you have is to learn about the condition so that you can be your child’s advocate. You can seek information from your child’s doctor or join a支援团队for parents of children with CPP.

In addition, addressing CPP often requires a team effort. If you notice signs of early puberty in your child, talk with their primary care doctor, likely a pediatrician. They can refer you to specialists and help you build your child’s healthcare team. In addition to a pediatrician, this support and treatment team may consist of an endocrinologist, mental health professional, school counselor, school nurse, and other caregivers.



According to a2019年护理人员调查,minimizing the time between symptom onset and treatment can have a positive impact on a child’s psychological and health-related quality of life.

Talk with your child

It’s important to understand that many social and emotional factors present with CPP are a normal part of adolescence and the teenage years. That’s why it’s critical you make time to talk with your child about the changes they’re facing.

Providing a safe space to express how they feel can help minimize some of the stress and confusion they may be experiencing.


It can be challenging to discern between regular childhood ups and downs and the more serious emotional or mental health effects of CPP, so it’s always a good idea to bring your concerns and questions to your child’s pediatrician.

The emotional struggles many kids experience with CPP are real. However, experts 谨慎对待这是治疗CPP的唯一原因,并说有关CPP儿童心理影响的风险需要更多的研究。与孩子的医生谈谈您孩子的CPP治疗选择。


CPP can cause physical and emotional issues for kids. Children with CPP see their bodies changing sooner than their peers.


Some kids will experience depression and anxiety, while others may face body image issues and low self-esteem.

If you notice signs of puberty in a girl under age 8 or a boy younger than age 9, make an appointment with your child’s doctor.

A doctor can do a thorough physical exam and discuss treatment options that may help delay puberty until the right age, if necessary. They can also make a referral to a mental health expert if needed.