

一个sthma attacks are potentially life-threatening. Seek emergency medical attention if your symptoms don’t improve after using the rescue inhaler.

Internet claims that tout home remedies for asthma are not backed by any scientific evidence. We’ll explain some of those remedies, why people think they work, where the evidence is lacking, and what you should actually do during an asthma attack.



The body also produces extra mucus, restricting the air passing through the bronchial tubes, which makes it very difficult to breathe properly.


  • coughing that won’t stop
  • wheezing when breathing out
  • shortness of breath
  • 呼吸非常快
  • pale, sweaty face


During an asthma attack:

  • 尽力保持镇定
  • 吸收一点点救助药物吸入器
  • stand or sit up straight

Standing up can help increase airflow compared to sitting or lying down, according to a2013年研究

一个peak flow meter measures airflow from your lungs and can help determine if your symptoms are getting better.

If your breathing doesn’t improve within several minutes of using the rescue inhaler, or if you begin to feel drowsy, it’s time to seek emergency help.

Don’t drive yourself to the hospital. Call 911 if you’re alone. Keep taking puffs on the inhaler until help arrives.



  • 极端的呼吸或喘息,尤其是在早晨或晚上
  • 需要拉紧胸部肌肉以呼吸
  • symptoms not subsiding after you’ve used a rescue inhaler
  • 遇到困难

Some people believe complementary treatments can help with asthma.

But there’s no scientific research to show that these remedies will treat an asthma attack, according to the 国家互补健康中心


1. Caffeinated tea or coffee

The caffeine in black or green tea and coffee is believed to help treat asthma. It works similarly to the popular asthma medicationtheophylline,打开航空公司。



2. Eucalyptus essential oil

根据2013年研究评论,必要的oils have anti-inflammatory properties that may help treat asthma. One of these is eucalyptus essential oil.

一个 2016年研究 found that 1.8-cineole, the main element of eucalyptus oil, reduced airway inflammation in mice. It suggested that inhaling vapors from eucalyptus essential oil may also help people with asthma.

It’s important to note that研究has found that essential oils, including eucalyptus, release potentially dangerous chemicals. More evidence is needed, but these substances may make asthma symptoms worse.

Because the FDA doesn’t monitor essential oils, it’s also important that you research the brands you choose for:

  • purity
  • safety
  • 质量


3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender is another essential oil that shows promise.

一个 2014 study 发现吸入扩散的薰衣草精油可能会减少过敏的炎症,从而帮助哮喘。

一个s with other alternative treatments, lavender oil should not be used in an emergency.

4. Breathing exercises

一个2014 research review表明定期呼吸训练可以改善哮喘症状和心理健康。它也可能降低了救援药物的需求。

The exercises aim to reduce hyperventilation. They can include:

  • breathing through the nose
  • slow breathing
  • controlled holding of breath

还需要更多的研究在br的有效性eathing exercises for asthma. This is not a technique to use during an attack.


Symptoms can flare up in an asthma attack.常见的哮喘触发因素include:

  • animal fur
  • 灰尘
  • 模具
  • pollen
  • smoke, including tobacco smoke
  • 空气污染
  • cold air
  • 情绪,喜欢stress, that can cause hyperventilation
  • 流感或感冒
  • 体育锻炼



The most effective thing you can do in your home is to remove or reduce your known triggers.


  • keeping your house clean to reduce dust and mold
  • keeping windows closed and staying inside if air quality is poor
  • quitting smoking, if you smoke, and avoiding secondhand smoke
  • avoiding burning wood in a stove or fireplace
  • bathing your pets weekly and keeping them out of your bedroom

You can also get anannual flu vaccineand a肺炎疫苗, which can help prevent asthma flare-ups caused by viruses.

You should take any medications that have been prescribed to you, even if you’re feeling well and haven’t had an attack lately.


  • evaluate your asthma
  • 如果需要,请更改治疗以帮助管理哮喘
  • 检查您是否正确使用吸入器

It’s helpful to work with your doctor to create an asthma plan. It’s also important to follow its instructions when you notice signs of an attack.


  • 可能引起攻击的触发因素的描述
  • how to recognize an attack
  • 您的药物,剂量以及何时以及如何服用
  • how to adjust your medication if your symptoms get worse
  • when to seek medical treatment
  • emergency contact information



Use your rescue inhaler as the first line of treatment and seek emergency help if symptoms don’t improve.


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