Understanding electrolyte disorders


Examples of electrolytes include:

这se substances are present in your blood, bodily fluids, and urine. They’re also ingested with food, drinks, and supplements.


Severe electrolyte imbalances can cause serious problems such as coma,seizures,,,,andcardiac arrest


Not all electrolyte imbalances cause the same symptoms, but many share similar symptoms.

Common symptoms of an electrolyte disorder include:

Call your doctor right away if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms and suspect you might have an electrolyte disorder. Electrolyte disturbances can become life-threatening if left untreated.

Electrolyte disorders are most often caused by a loss of bodily fluids through prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating. They may also develop due to fluid loss related toburns

Certain medications can cause electrolyte disorders as well. In some cases, underlying diseases, such as acute or慢性肾病,,,,are to blame.

确切的cause may vary depending on the specific type of electrolyte disorder.

Elevated levels of an electrolyte are indicated with the prefix “hyper-.” Depleted levels of an electrolyte are indicated with “hypo-.”




Hypercalcemiaoccurs when you have too much calcium in the blood. This is usually caused by:

Hypocalcemiaoccurs due to a lack of adequate calcium in the bloodstream. Causes can include:


Chloride is necessary for maintaining the proper balance of bodily fluids.

Hyperchloremiaoccurs when there’s too much chloride in the body. It can happen as a result of:

低氯血症develops when there’s too little chloride in the body. It’s often caused by sodium or potassium problems.

Other causes can include:


Magnesiumis a critical mineral that regulates many important functions, such as:

  • 肌肉收缩
  • 心节奏
  • nerve function

Hypermagnesemia means excess amounts of magnesium. This disorder primarily affects people with艾迪生氏病and末期肾脏疾病

低磁性血症means having too little magnesium in the body. Common causes include:


kidneys,,,,bones, and intestines work to balance phosphate levels in the body. Phosphate is necessary for a wide variety of functions and interacts closely with calcium.


  • 低钙水平
  • 慢性肾病
  • 严重的breathing difficulties
  • underactive parathyroid glands
  • 严重的肌肉损伤
  • 肿瘤裂解综合征,,,,a complication of cancer treatment
  • 过度使用含磷酸盐laxatives

Low levels of phosphate, or低磷酸血症,,,,can be seen in:


对调节钾尤为重要heartfunction. It also helps maintain healthy nerves and muscles.



  • 饮食失调
  • 严重的呕吐或腹泻
  • 脱水
  • 某些药物,包括泻药,利尿剂和corticosteroids



Hypernatremiaoccurs when there’s too much sodium in the blood. Abnormally high levels of sodium may be caused by:

  • inadequate water consumption
  • 严重的脱水
  • excessive loss of bodily fluids as a result of prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, or respiratory illness
  • 某些药物,包括corticosteroids

Hyponatremiadevelops when there’s too little sodium. Common causes of low sodium levels include:

A simple blood test can measure the levels of electrolytes in your body. A blood test that looks at yourkidney functionis important as well.

Your doctor may want to perform aphysical examor order extra tests to confirm a suspected electrolyte disorder. These additional tests will vary depending on the condition in question.

For example, hypernatremia (too much sodium) can cause loss of elasticity in the skin due to significant dehydration. Your doctor can performa pinch test确定脱水是否影响您。

这y may also test your reflexes, as both increased and depleted levels of some electrolytes can affect reflexes.

一个electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG),对您的心脏进行电气追踪,也可能有助于检查电解质问题带来的任何不规则的心跳,节奏或ECG或EKG变化。

Treatment varies depending on the type of electrolyte disorder and on the underlying condition that’s causing it.

In general, certain treatments are used to restore the proper balance of minerals in the body. These include:

Intravenous (IV) fluids

Intravenous (IV) fluids,,,,typically sodium chloride, can help rehydrate the body. This treatment is commonly used in cases of dehydration resulting from vomiting or diarrhea. Electrolyte supplements can be added to IV fluids to correct deficiencies.

Certain IV medications

IV medicationscan help your body restore electrolyte balance quickly. They can also protect you from negative effects while you’re being treated by another method.

这medication you receive will depend on the electrolyte disorder you have. Medications that may be administered include calcium gluconate, magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride.

Oral medications and supplements

Oral medications and supplements are often used to correct chronic mineral abnormalities in your body. This is more common in if you’ve been diagnosed with ongoing kidney disease.

Depending on your electrolyte disorder, you may receive medications or supplements such as:

  • calcium (gluconate, carbonate, citrate, or lactate
  • 氧化镁
  • potassium chloride
  • phosphate binders, which include sevelamer hydrochloride (Renagel), lanthanum (Fosrenol), and calcium-based treatments such as calcium carbonate


Although some of the supplements can be purchased over the counter, most people with electrolyte disorders get a prescription for supplements from their doctor.


血液透析is a type of dialysis that uses a machine to remove waste from your blood.

One way to get the blood to flow to this artificial kidney is for your doctor to surgically create a vascular access, or an entrance point, into your blood vessels.




Follow this advice to helppreventelectrolyte disorders:

  • stay hydrated if you’re experiencing prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating
  • visit your doctor if you’re experiencing common symptoms of an electrolyte disorder
