An electric shock happens when an electric current passes through your body. This can burn both internal and external tissue and cause organ damage.


  • 电力线路
  • lightning
  • electric machinery
  • electric weapons, such as Tasers
  • 家用设备
  • electrical outlets



  • 电压
  • 与源接触的时间长度
  • 总体健康
  • 电力穿过您的身体
  • 电流的类型(交替电流通常比直流电流更有害,因为它会导致肌肉痉挛,从而使电力源更难降低电源)




Potential symptoms of an electric shock include:

  • 意识丧失
  • 肌肉痉挛
  • numbness or tingling
  • 呼吸问题
  • 头痛
  • 视力或听力问题
  • burns
  • 癫痫发作
  • irregular heartbeat

电击也可能导致车厢综合征. This happens when muscle damage causes your limbs to swell. In turn, this can compress arteries, leading to serious health problems. Compartment syndrome might not be noticeable immediately after the shock, so keep an eye on your arms and legs following a shock.



If you receive an electric shock, it might be difficult for you to do anything. But try to start with the following if you think you’ve been severely shocked:

  • Let go of the electric source as soon as you can.
  • 如果可以的话,请致电911或当地紧急服务。如果您不能,请大喊周围的其他人打电话。
  • 除非您需要远离电源,否则不要移动。


  • 即使您没有任何明显的症状,也要尽快去看医生。请记住,一开始很难检测到一些内部伤害。
  • In the meantime, cover any burns with sterile gauze. Don’t use adhesive bandages or anything else that might stick to the burn.

If someone else has been shocked

If someone else receives a shock, keep several things in mind to both help them and keep yourself safe:

  • Don’t touch someone who has been shocked if they’re still in contact with the source of electricity.
  • 除非有进一步的震惊危险,否则不要动人。
  • 如果可能的话,请关闭电流。如果不能,请使用非导电物体将电力源远离人。木材和橡胶都是不错的选择。只需确保您不使用任何湿或金属的东西即可。
  • Stay at least 20 feet away if they’ve been shocked by high-voltage power lines that are still on.
  • 如果该人被闪电击中或与高压电力(例如电力线)接触,请致电911或当地紧急服务。
  • Call 911 or local emergency services if the person has trouble breathing, loses consciousness, has seizures, has muscle pain or numbness, or is feeling symptoms of a heart issue, including a fast heartbeat.
  • 检查该人的呼吸和脉搏。如有必要,开始CPRuntil emergency help arrives.
  • If the person is showing signs ofshock, such as vomiting or becoming faint or very pale, elevate their legs and feet slightly, unless this causes too much pain.
  • Coverburnswith sterile gauze if you can. Don’t use Band-Aids or anything else that might stick to the burn.
  • Keep the person warm.

Even if the injuries seem minor, it’s crucial to see a doctor after an electric shock to check for internal injuries.

Depending on the injuries, potential electric shock treatments include:

  • burn treatment, including the application of antibiotic ointment and sterile dressings
  • 止痛药
  • 静脉输液
  • a注射破伤风针,取决于冲击的来源及其发生的情况

For severe shocks, a doctor may recommend staying in the hospital for a day or two so they can monitor you for any heart issues or severe injuries.

Some electric shocks can have a lasting impact on your health. For example, serious burns can leave permanent scars. And if the electrical current goes through your eyes, you may be left withcataracts.

Some shocks can also cause ongoing pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness due to internal injuries.

If a child sustains a lip injury or burn from chewing on a cord, they may also have some heavy bleeding when the scab eventually falls off. This is normal, due to the number of arteries in the lip.

Electric shocks can be very serious, so it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. If the shock seems severe, call 911 or your local emergency number. Even if the shock seems minor, it’s best to follow up with a doctor to make sure there aren’t any less visible injuries.