There are
For example, vascular EDS affects the cardiovascular system, whereas dermatosparaxis EDS produces more skin-centric symptoms.
The 13 types of EDS are:
- hypermobile
- classic
- 像经典
- cardiac-valvular
- 血管
- 阿思哈拉氏症
- 皮肤par
- Kyphoscoliotic
- brittle cornea
- spondylodysplastic
- 肌肉合法性
- 肌病
- 牙周
Your EDS symptoms会有所不同取决于您拥有哪种类型的ED。症状的严重程度也将在经历相同类型的ED的人之间有所不同。
However, some symptoms are more common across cases than others.
One common symptom of EDS isjoint hypermobility这就是关节中的运动范围要比平常更大的时候。ED会影响collagen在关节中的肌腱和软骨中起作用,这可能导致过度运动。ED可以影响体内的所有关节。
In mild cases, a person will be able to move joints in a greater range of movement than normal and may experience light pain during activities. In more severe cases, a person may be at a更大的风险of joint dislocations and joint instability.
Joint looseness can affect muscle and nerve development in young children.
皮肤缺乏胶原蛋白会导致EDS患者的皮肤弹性,弹性。皮肤弹性affects all formsof EDS except vascular EDS.
Classic EDS and dermatosparaxis EDS typically affect the skin the most. If you have dermatosparaxis EDS, you may find that your skin doesn’t bounce back as it should, and you may experience loose skin or skin folds.
Fragile skin
People with classic EDSmay experiencewounds that open with little bleeding and leave visible scars that widen over time. Some people refer to these as “cigarette paper scars.”
Other symptoms of classic EDS include:
Symptoms of hypermobile EDS (hEDS)
Hypermobile EDS accounts for around
- loose joints
- 容易瘀伤
- 肌肉疼痛
- 肌肉疲劳
- chronic degenerative joint disease
- 早产osteoarthritis
- chronic pain
- 心脏瓣膜问题
Symptoms of vascular EDS
Vascular EDS primarily affects the cardiovascular system and is a severe health condition. Symptoms of vascular EDS include:
EDS affects1 in 5,000people worldwide and1 in 2,500 – 1 in 5,00 births。在大多数情况下,一个人将从父母那里继承状况。
In rare cases a person may develop EDS due to spontaneous mutations in genes involved in collagen function.
Doctors may use a series of tests to diagnose EDS or rule out similar conditions.
- 流动性评估
- 基因检测
- skin biopsy
- 超声心动图
ED的表现和症状将逐案不同。结果,通常有no singular treatmentfor these conditions, and your EDS plan will depend on your symptoms.
Treatment will revolve around最小化疼痛, reducing the risk of serious complications, and assisting your day-to-day life.
- physical therapy to rehabilitate joints and muscles
- 修复受损关节的手术
- drugs to minimize pain
EDS is normally a genetic condition, and you cannot prevent it. However, if you have EDS, you may be able to prevent further complications and improve your general quality of life.
- avoiding contact sports
- avoiding lifting weights
- usingsunscreen保护皮肤
- avoiding harsh soaps that may overdry the skin or causeallergic reactions
- 使用辅助设备来最大程度地减少关节的压力
Also, if your child has EDS, follow these steps to prevent injuries and protect their joints. In addition, put adequate padding on your child before they ride a bike or are learning to walk.
- 慢性关节疼痛
- joint dislocation
- early onset arthritis
- slowhealing of wounds, leading to prominent scarring
- 手术伤口很难康复
The patient outlook varies between the types of EDS. People with many forms of EDS, such as classic and hypermobile EDS, may see no significant reduction in lifespan. These conditions may affect day-to-day activities but don’t increase the risk of premature death.
However, vascular and kyphoscoliosis EDS do carry a reduced life expectancy. Due to its impact on the cardiovascular system, the median life expectancy of people with vascular EDS is48 years。