• Some research suggests that hard water may raise the risk of eczema or make symptoms worse.
  • 硬水可能会损害皮肤屏障,从而导致皮肤干燥和刺激。
  • Doctors may recommend changes to your skin care routine and prescribe medicated creams or ointments, phototherapy, or other treatments for eczema.



Read on to learn more about the effects that hard water may have.

“Skin barrier dysfunction is the initial step in the development of eczema,” Soma Mandal, MD, a board certified internist at Summit Health in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, told Healthline.

The skin barrier is the outermost layer of the skin. It helps keep out bacteria, viruses, allergy triggers, and other harmful substances. It also seals in water, which helps to keep the skin moisturized.


Gene mutations and problems with the immune system may alter the skin barrier. Exposure to certain substances, such as irritating soaps or hard water, might also damage the skin barrier and raise the risk of eczema.

In a review published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy ,科学家们汇集了过去关于硬水和特应性湿疹的研究结果。特应性湿疹是最常见的湿疹类型。


Small studies in adults also suggest that hard water may:

  • reduce skin hydration
  • increase skin redness
  • increase the level of cytokines, which are proteins that drive inflammation



硬水中的钙和镁离子也与肥皂中的某些颗粒结合,称为表面活性剂。这使得很难冲洗肥皂,在皮肤上引起残留物或“肥皂浮渣”。研究人员报告说,这会损害皮肤屏障并刺激皮肤。Journal of Investigative Dermatology


Some 研究 suggests that hard water exposure may raise the risk for eczema among children ages 5 to 11 but not older children. More research is needed.

study has found that hard water exposure may also increase the risk for eczema among infants who have a gene mutation that interferes with filaggrin function. Filaggrin is a protein that helps maintain the skin barrier.




  • 背部
  • upper chest

Calcium and magnesium ions in hard water make it harder to rinse off soap and shampoo, causing a residue to form on the skin or scalp. This may worsen seborrheic dermatitis.


  • a medicated skin cream, ointment, or shampoo
  • phototherapy, which uses ultraviolet light waves to reduce symptoms
  • oral or injectable medication to block immune responses that cause inflammation


Your doctor may also recommend changes to your skin care routine. For example, it may help to:

  • avoid scratching or rubbing your skin
  • use gentle unscented soaps or cleansers
  • bathe with lukewarm water, rather than hot water
  • 洗澡后轻轻拍打皮肤,而不是干燥
  • 洗澡后,在皮肤上涂抹保湿霜或软膏
  • 避免散发着闻香的皮肤护理产品,香味的洗衣粉,粗糙的衣服或其他似乎使您的症状更糟的触发因素

Some 研究 suggest that adding a water softener to hard water may help reduce eczema symptoms. However, other studies have not found that water softeners help.


“通常,染料和每个产品都是免费的fumes are best for the skin,” said Mandal.


美国皮肤病学会协会鼓励湿疹患者寻找标有标有的产品NEA接收密封。These products are free of ingredients known to be unsuitable for people with eczema or sensitive skin.



Dermatologists typically encourage people with eczema to use gentle unscented cleansers and moisturizers. Doctors may also prescribe medicated creams or ointments, phototherapy, or other treatments for eczema.