Eczema is a condition that causes, rashes and dry skin, as well as itching. Because the skin on your face is more sensitive than skin on other areas, when eczema occurs on your face, it can be especially uncomfortable and even painful. The skin can feel tight, hot, and itchy. Scratching can cause sores and scarring.

Eczema on the face may appear as red, white, or purple bumps depending on your skin color. It may also show up as a rash, blisters, or cracked skin. It occurs in both children and adults.


Here’s what you need to know about facial eczema, including the different types, causes, and treatments.


1. Atopic dermatitis

根据National Eczema Association,atopic dermatitis是最常见的湿疹类型,影响所有年龄段的人。它最早会在六个月大时影响儿童。

It’s a chronic condition. So, although symptoms can improve after a few weeks or months, they usually return over the course of a person’s life.

Most children outgrow their eczema by the time they reach4 or 5 years of age, although they may always have atendency for dry, sensitive skin.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis include dry patches and itchiness in the area around the forehead, cheeks, and eyes. Other areas of the body commonly affected by atopic dermatitis include the inside of the elbows and back of the knees.



2. Seborrheic dermatitis

尽管特应性皮炎是湿疹的一种常见形式,但seborrheic dermatitis是脸上常见的湿疹类型。皮脂性皮炎也可能影响头皮和胸部。它是由酵母过度生长触发的Malassezia.


Seborrheic dermatitis can also form on the scalp. People with dandruff sometimes have this type of dermatitis on the face.


Several factors can trigger flares or make this type of eczema worse. Your skin might worsen when under stress or when exposed to sun and high humidity.


The products you use on your face can also trigger dryness, itchiness, and redness. These include facial washes, exfoliating creams, makeup, sunscreen, and other cosmetic products.

Irritant contact dermatitis影响包括婴儿在内的各个年龄段的人们。如果您的宝宝对乳液或婴儿湿巾敏感,则可能患有这种类型的皮炎。由于流口水的水分过多,一些婴儿在口腔周围还刺激性接触性皮炎。


Irritant contact dermatitis occurs when certain ingredients and fragrances in cosmetic products irritate the skin.

4. Allergic contact dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis与刺激性接触性皮炎不同,因为前者是脸上的过敏反应。

如果你是allergic to an ingredient in a skin-care product — or other products that come in contact with your face — your immune system triggers a response. This causes eczema and allergy symptoms like dryness, hives, itchiness, and redness.

Allergic and irritant contact dermatitis can affect other areas of the body, in addition to the face.



如果你是对镍过敏, earrings made from this metal might also cause a reaction. Symptoms might start around your ear and spread to other parts of your face.

5. Light sensitive eczema



Symptoms can be temporary, especially when caused by medications like diuretics or high blood pressure medicines. Your skin might improve once you stop taking these drugs. For others, light sensitive eczema is a chronic condition.




The various types of facial eczema can cause similar symptoms, so they often respond to similar treatments.






You can also treat facial eczema by identifying triggers and removing the source of irritation. Keep in mind that labeling a product as “sensitive” doesn’t mean that it不能引起刺激。



Applying sunscreen to your face helps treat and prevent light sensitive eczema, as does avoiding extreme temperatures and high humidity.

See a doctor if OTC moisturizers don’t work

Applying moisturizer twice a day, especially after cleansing your face, helps your skin retain moisture. If over-the-counter moisturizing creams don’t work, or if your facial eczema doesn’t respond to self-treatment, see a doctor.


  • 处方局部皮质类固醇reduce inflammation
  • 处方抗组胺药
  • 光疗
  • biologics
  • steroid-free topicals such as crisaborole
  • immune modulators such as topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus

Here are some tips to prevent facial eczema.

  • Apply moisturizer to your face twice a day.
  • Avoid products that irritate your skin like certain cleansing soaps, exfoliating creams, and toners.
  • 在耀斑期间不要化妆。这会刺激湿疹症状。
  • 佩戴防晒霜,避免极高的热量和湿度。
  • 使用不含香水的产品。
  • 用柔软的毛巾拍打脸,而不是擦皮肤。
  • 治疗其他过敏症状,这可能引发面部湿疹或使其恶化。



See a doctor if self-treatment and over-the-counter products aren’t resolving your facial eczema.