
仿说重复的声音和短语that they hear. They may not be able to communicate effectively because they struggle to express their own thoughts. For example, someone with echolalia might only be able to repeat a question rather than answer it. In many cases, echolalia is an attempt to communicate, learn language, or practice language.


Repetitive speech is an extremely common part of language development, and is commonly seen in young toddlers who are learning to communicate. By the age of 2, most children will start mixing in their own utterances along with repetitions of what they hear. By age 3, most children’s echolalia will be minimal at most.

It’s common for autistic children or developmental delays to have echolalia further into childhood, especially if they’re experiencing delayed speech development. Identifying why and how your child is using echolalia will help you develop a treatment plan for it. Consulting a language pathologist can help.

The main symptom of echolalia is the repetition of phrases and noises that have been heard. It can be immediate, with the speaker repeating something right away after hearing it. It can also be delayed, with the speaker repeating something hours or days after hearing it.

Other signs of echolalia may include frustration during conversations, depression, and muteness. A person with echolalia may be unusually irritable, especially when asked questions.


Some people experience this issue only when they are distressed or anxious. Others experience it all the time, which may eventually cause them to be mute because they can’t express themselves.


There are two main categories of echolalia: functional (or interactive) echolalia, and non-interactive echolalia, where the sounds or words may only be for personal use instead of communication.


Functional echolalia is attempted communication intended to be interactional, acting as communication with another person. Examples include:

打开:The person with echolalia uses phrases to fill an alternating verbal exchange.

口头完成:Speech is used to complete familiar verbal routines that are initiated by others. For example, if people with echolalia are asked to complete a task, they might say “good job!” while completing it, echoing what they’re used to hearing.

Providing information:演讲可用于提供新信息,但可能很难连接点。例如,一位母亲可能会问她的孩子他想要午餐,他会从午餐肉商业唱歌,说他想要一个三明治。

要求:The person with echolalia may say “Do you want lunch?” to ask for their own lunch.

Non-interactive echolalia


Non-focused speech:The person with echolalia says something that has no relevance to the situational context, like reciting portions of a TV show while walking around a classroom. This behavior may be self-stimulatory.

情境协会:Speech is triggered by a situation, visual, person, or activity, and doesn’t seem to be an attempt at communication. If someone sees a brand-name product in the store, for example, they might sing the song from the commercials.





A professional can diagnose echolalia by having a conversation with the person with echolalia. If they struggle to do anything other than repeat what has been said, they may have echolalia. Some autistic children are regularly tested for this during their speech lessons.

echolalia.ranges from minor to severe. A doctor can identify the stage of echolalia and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

echolalia.may be treated through a combination of the following methods:

Speech therapies

Some people with echolalia go to regular speech therapy sessions to learn how to say what they’re thinking.

A behavioral intervention called “cues-pause-point” is often used for intermediate echolalia. In this treatment, the speech therapist asks the person with echolalia to answer a question correctly and tells them they’ll point to them when it’s time to answer. Then, the therapist asks a question, such as “What’s your name?” After a short pause, they prompt the speaker to answer. They also hold up a cue card with the correct answer.



Home care

People with echolalia may work with other people at home to develop their communication skills. There are text and online training programs available to help parents get positive responses from their children. Encouraging a child to use limited vocabulary may make it easier for them to learn to communicate more effectively.
