类风湿关节炎(RA)is anautoimmune disorderthat causes the chronic inflammation of joints.

RA tends to begin slowly with minor symptoms that come and go, usually on both sides of the body. These symptoms progress over a period of weeks or months.

症状慢性病vary from person to person and can change as time goes on. Bouts of RA symptoms are calledflare-ups。当症状不太明显时,无效的时期称为缓解。

While RA can affect anyone, it most commonly presents在30至50岁之间和more often in women. The early stage symptoms of RA don’t always include swelling and redness in the joints, but there能够是微妙的迹象表明某件事已经出现。一些早期症状包括:

  • tenderness and pain in certain areas of your body
  • 明显增加fatigue(这需要身体应对的能量inflammation)
  • 身体某些部位的弱点以前没有
  • 通常感到不适

Once RA inflammation has been active in your body for a period of weeks or months, you’ll begin to notice more obvious signs that something is up.

Swelling, redness, and warmth in joints

Rheumatoid arthritis attacks the lining of your joints, and when this inflammation flares up, your joints may become red, and feel warm to the touch. They might also swell.


Because it takes energy for your body to fight inflammation, you may notice a marked increase infatigue和tiredness while doing the same activities you’ve always done.

If this fatigue lasts more than a few weeks — even if you don’t notice any other symptoms — you could be dealing with an RA flare.


Morning stiffness

Morning stiffnessis one of the main symptoms of many types of关节炎,包括RA。


It’s common for joints to feel more mobile after prolonged activity.

General joint pain and stiffness


Some of the first areas RA stiffness typically affects are the wrists and certain joints in the hands and feet, but it’s also possible to experience pain and stiffness in your knees or shoulders. Usually, both sides of your body will be affected.


When accompanied by other symptoms like joint pain and inflammation, a低级发烧可能是您患有RA耀斑的预警信号。

Numbness and tingling

肌腱的炎症会给您的神经带来压力。这可能会导致麻木,刺痛或手中的灼痛感觉被称为carpal tunnel syndrome

Decrease in range of motion

Inflammation in your joints can cause tendons and ligaments to become unstable or deformed. If the disease progresses without treatment, you may find yourself unable to bend or straighten some joints.

尽管您的运动范围也可能受到疼痛的影响,但经常进行轻柔的运动能够help ease the ache and even allow for a bit more movement.

There are a few other RA symptoms that affect more than just your joints. These include:

  • 食欲不振
  • dry eyes and mouth (caused by a related symptom,Sjogren’s syndrome)
  • rheumatoid nodules, which are hard lumps that grow beneath the skin in places like the elbow and hands
  • 减肥
  • 胸痛
  • 神经或皮肤损伤

The most commonly affected areas during the onset of RA are the small joints in your hands and feet. This is where you may first feel stiffness and an ache.


Your organs are another area that can be disrupted by RA inflammation:

  • Your heart muscle can become damaged.
  • Your lungs can become scarred.
  • 血管损伤会导致随后的皮肤和神经问题。


Even if it’s not RA, persistent fatigue and a general sense of illness can be the precursor to many inflammation-related issues, so the sooner you’re seen by a physician, the better.


If a positive rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis is found, you’ll probably be referred to arheumatologist,一名医生对影响肌肉,骨骼,关节,韧带和肌腱的疾病的治疗进行了额外的培训。

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