

慢性干眼发生在你的眼睛不能名单e enough tears. This may be because your tears are evaporating too quickly. It can also be due to inflammation in or around the eye.


Fortunately, there are many ways to treat this condition. Your doctor can help you find ways to reduce your symptoms, and you may also benefit from natural remedies you can try at home.

Here are the treatments available for chronic dry eye so you can find one that works best for you.


Sometimes, an underlying condition or external factor may lead to dry eye, so talk to your doctor to rule out another condition. Some medications can cause dry eye, for example, so you may need to simply switch medications.

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

一of the most popular ways to treat dry eye is through OTC eye drops, called artificial tears. Preservative-based eye drops stay on the shelf for a long time. Nonpreservative eye drops come in several disposable vials that you use once and throw away.

Artificial tears simply moisten your eyes. If you have moderate symptoms of dry eye, artificial tears may be all you need. However, you may have to apply them several times a day.

Ointments can also be used, but they tend to make vision cloudy. Ointments coat your eyes better than eye drops do. Because they make vision blurry, they’re best used right before bedtime.



Your doctor may prescribe a medication to treat chronic dry eye. These medications may be given orally or as eye drops.

其中大部分集中在减少炎症r eyelids. When your eyelids are swollen, they prevent your oil glands from getting oil into your tears. Without oil, your tears evaporate too quickly.


Prescription eyedrops are often anti-inflammatory as well. One examples is cyclosporine (Restasis). Cyclosporine is also used to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. This drug suppresses the immune system so that the body stops attacking itself. Lifitegrast (Xiidra) is another prescription medication specifically approved for chronic dry eye treatment.

Eye inserts

When regular OTC tear replacement drops don’t work, eye inserts might be an option. These small, clear tubes of medication look like grains of rice and go into your eye like contacts.



In addition to prescription and OTC medications, certain procedures may be used to treat chronic dry eye. This includes:

  • Closing your tear ducts.If your chronic dry eye doesn’t respond to traditional methods, your doctor may recommend this procedure to partially or completely plug your tear ducts. The idea is that tears will stay in your eyes longer if there is nowhere for them to drain. Punctal plugs are made of silicone and are removable.
  • 特殊联系人。您可能会通过佩戴巩膜或绷带隐形眼镜来发现慢性干眼症的缓解。这些特殊触点旨在保护您的眼睛表面并防止水分逃逸。如果您的慢性干眼症主要通过太快失去泪水引起的,这一选项是有用的。
  • Clearing blocked oil glands.您的医生可能推荐称为已知的程序 Lipiflow热脉动 清除堵塞的油腺。该技术涉及将眼睛和眼睑后面的大隐形眼镜放置在眼睛上。另一个屏蔽放置在眼睑外面,两种设备都将热量施加到眼睑上。治疗需要大约12分钟。

There are several natural treatments that may help chronic dry eye. Examples include:

  • 温暖,湿布。把它握住你的眼睛五分钟减少干眼症状。
  • Massage your eyelids with a mild soap, such as baby shampoo.闭上眼睛,用指尖涂抹肥皂,轻轻按摩眼睑。
  • Omega-3 supplements.将补充剂和食品添加到含有Omega-3脂肪酸的饮食中 可能有助于缓解你的症状 by reducing inflammation in your body. More research is needed, but you may benefit from taking fish oil supplements or eating foods like flaxseed, salmon, and sardines.
  • 蓖麻油滴。蓖麻油可能有助于减少撕裂蒸发,这可以改善您的症状。提供含有蓖麻油的人工撕裂眼镜。在尝试任何自然补救措施之前,请随时与您的医生交谈。


学习 showed that acupuncture may have benefits when compared to artificial tears, but more research is needed. One theory is that acupuncture reduces pain and inflammation, therefore decreasing eye irritation and improving dry eye symptoms.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is an alternative treatment that’s typically used to reduce rosacea and acne symptoms. In one 学习 对于慢性干眼,93%的参与者报告他们在用IPL治疗后对其症状程度感到满意。

There are some at-home changes you can make that may improve your chronic dry eye symptoms. These include:

  • wearing sunglasses with side shields to prevent tears from evaporating
  • blinking often when doing the same task for a long time, like reading or looking at a computer
  • 使用凉爽的雾气加湿器向空气中添加水分
  • 全天喝水以保持水分
  • avoiding smoking and limiting exposure to secondhand smoke

The treatment you choose to treat your chronic dry eye depends on a variety of factors. You may need a different treatment if your chronic dry eye is caused by an underlying condition. It also depends on the severity of your symptoms and what you’re comfortable with. Work with your doctor to find the best solution for you.