在lasik后的干眼睛,在人的眼睛的特写镜头 Share on Pinterest
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LASIK is a type of laser eye surgery that corrects refractive eye conditions like近视andastigmatismby changing the shape of your cornea. The name stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.

It is an outpatient treatment that takes less than an hour at aophthalmologist’soffice. While the surgery is brief, the recovery takes time and can involve several symptoms, including dry eyes.

Experiencing dry eyes afterLASIKis common, and your doctor will give you methods to treat the condition following your procedure.Half of people谁在他们的手术后一周遇到了Dray眼睛。该号码在1个月内降低至40%,6个月内为20%至40%。

Despite the risk of some people developing dry eyes following LASIK, the procedure is popular. One study found that95 percentof people who received LASIK were satisfied with how the method corrected their vision.


If you havedry eyesbefore the procedure, the condition may temporarily get worse following LASIK. Other reasons you may experience dry eyes after LASIK are:

  • The procedure alters or cuts the nerves in the cornea when your doctor creates the flap to correct your vision. This makes your eyes less sensitive, and they may not produce enough moisturizing tears while you heal.
  • The surface of your eye becomes irritated and uncomfortable following the procedure, causing your eyes to feel dry.

Many people experience dry eyes after LASIK, and most see a reduction in the symptom within weeks or months. A small number of people may still have dry eyes a year after their procedure.

Your symptoms will reduce with time as your eye heals and begins to make more tears for lubrication. During this time, the nerves in the eye also regenerate the cornea.


  • have dry eyes before the procedure
  • are female
  • are post-menopausal
  • need moderate or severe vision correction
  • require adjustments during surgery related to the depth of the eye or alterations to the flap

虽然之前有眼睛干涩LASIK是一个事实上的风险r, it doesn’t mean you are unable to get LASIK surgery. Your doctor will determine your specific risk factors and weigh the benefits of the procedure. You may need to try varioustreatments for dry eyesprior to getting LASIK.One studyfound that people with dry eyes can receive LASIK surgery, but you may have more severe symptoms after the procedure. In most cases, your dry eye symptoms will return to pre-surgery levels within 1 year of getting LASIK.

There are other risk factors that may prevent you from getting LASIK, including:

  • certain eye conditions
  • 自身免疫疾病
  • uncontrolled diabetes
  • changing vision
  • unusually shaped or thin corneas
  • ocular herpes, a condition of the eye caused by theherpes simplex virus (HSV)

You may experience blurred vision along with dry eyes while you heal from the procedure. This can occur if your tears do not spread evenly over your eye. This can make it difficult to focus light, leading to blurry vision. Blurred vision along with dry eyes should be temporary. Discuss any symptoms with your doctor to get proper treatment.

There are other side effects of LASIK that should recede with time, including:

  • discomfort
  • glare
  • blood-colored patches on the whites of the eye
  • swelling
  • infection
  • halos around lights at night

Symptoms of dry eye after LASIK include:

  • dryness
  • discomfort or pain
  • eye tiredness
  • irritation
  • red eye


There are ways to treat dry eyes following LASIK, including home remedies and prescription medications. Follow your doctor’s instructions for treatment.

Home remedies and OTC treatment

  • 休息。Sleep or rest in a quiet place following your procedure to allow your body to recover.
  • Protect your eyes.Your doctor will give you an eye shield to wear for a few days after your procedure.
  • 避免运动。Avoid exercise and high-impact activities in the weeks following LASIK to allow your body to heal.
  • Warm compress.Use awarm compresson your eyes if you experience dry eyes and havemeibomian gland dysfunction
  • Avoid screen time.When we look at computer, phone, or TV screens, we blink much less, which decreases the amount of tears (lubrication) and can irritate our eyes.

Medical treatment

  • Eye drops.Eye dropswith different amounts of hyaluronic acid may help keep your eyes moist. There are other eye drops meant to help your eyes stimulate moisture.
  • Anti-inflammatories。你可能需要眼药水来帮助眼睛炎症。一种类型的眼药水是环孢菌素(Restasis)。


Dry eyes following LASIK is considered normal, but you should still see a doctor if your condition worsens or if you experience extreme pain. In some situations, these instances may result in severe outcomes like vision loss. See a doctor if you still have dry eyes months or years following LASIK.

Dry eyes after LASIK is common, and the best way to handle it is to follow your doctor’s instructions for healing after the procedure. Resting, avoiding certain activities, attending follow-up appointments, and using prescribed medications will help you heal properly.

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)is also a laser surgery technique used to modify thecornea。However, it uses a different method. With PRK, a eye surgeon takes away the top layer of the cornea, known as the epithelium. Your surgeon then uses lasers to reshape the other layers of the cornea and fix any irregular curvature in your eye.

If you are considering alternative treatments to LASIK, speak with your doctor about PRK, which does not usually cause dry eyes. It does, however, have a considerably longer recovery period.

Dry eyes can occur after LASIK surgery. In most cases, your dry eyes will improve as you heal from your procedure. Speak with your doctor about how to treat dry eyes, and call them immediately if your symptoms worsen or if you experience pain.