Is drinking water before bed healthy?

你需要每天喝水让你的身体正常运作。全天 - 睡觉 - 你丢失了呼吸,出汗和粪便的水digestive系统。

有些人睡前喝一杯水水合through the night. But researchers question whether or not drinking water before bed is healthy.

喝water before bed can increase the amount of times you need to晚上小便

Your urine output decreases at night, allowing you to睡眠六到八个小时without interruption. Drinking a glass or two of water before bed can change this cycle.

Sleep deprivationcan also adversely affect your heart health.Lack of sleep可以影响一个人的发展潜力:

According to a 2019年研究 ,睡眠不到六个小时的成年人的风险增加了中风要么心脏病发作

年龄也可以在睡眠和泌尿周期中发挥作用。你成为的年龄越大,你就越有可能发展膀胱过度活动症。这可能与可能影响泌尿膀胱功能的医疗条件有关,例如由于的认知功能下降dementia, or a stroke that will make it difficult for your brain to communicate signals to your bladder. Diabetes mellitus and benign prostatic hypertrophy can also affect your urinary bladder function.

1. Improved mood

According to a 2014年研究 ,水剥夺可能会对您的情绪产生负面影响,这可能会影响您的整体睡眠唤醒周期。




饮用水 - 具体hot or warm water— is one natural way to help detox the body and improve digestion.

Warm water increases blood circulation, helps your body to be able to break down waste, and increases sweat output.出汗会导致你在夜晚失去一些液体,但也会去除多余的盐或毒素并清洁皮肤细胞。

喝warm water before bed will keep you hydrated through the night and may help the body to rid itself of unwanted toxins. It may also help to relieve pain or cramping in the stomach.

如果普通的水太平淡,或者如果你试图冒着寒冷,请考虑添加柠檬在睡觉前浇水。这可以给水带来有趣的风味,柠檬还包含vitamin C, an added benefit that can help to boost yourimmune systemas it fights infection.

喝water before bed has a number of benefits, but drinking too close to bedtime can interrupt your sleep cycle and negatively impact心脏健康

You must drink enough water throughout the day to avoiddehydrationand prevent excess water intake at night. One sign of dehydration is暗尿液。If you’re drinking enough water, your urine should be light yellow to clear in color.

八杯水a day is a helpful goal, but that number can vary from one person to the next. You may need to drink more water depending on your activity levels, the weather, or if you’re pregnant.

Some best practices for staying hydrated include:

然而,在白天喝足够的水很重要,如果你在睡前直接喝水,它可能是破坏性的。避免饮用水或任何其他液体至少两个小时before sleeping to prevent waking up at night.
