
它也被称为腰心切开术综合征,后心肌梗死综合征或心脏损伤后综合征。这是因为这种病通常发生在心脏手术后,心肌梗塞(心脏病发作), or an injury. Dressler syndrome is thought to occur when the immune system responds excessively following one of these events.

If left untreated, inflammation of the pericardium can lead to scarring, thickening, and muscle tightening of the heart, which can be life-threatening. Treatment for Dressler syndrome includes high doses of aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications.

幸运的是,现在被认为是非常状况rare due to the development of modern treatments for heart attacks.

The exact cause of Dressler syndrome isn’t clear. It’s believed to occur when a heart surgery or heart attack triggers an immune response in the pericardium. In response to an injury, the body typically sends immune cells and antibodies to help repair the area. But an immune response can sometimes cause an excessive amount of inflammation.

Some of the events that have been known to trigger Dressler syndrome include:

症状can occur 2 to 5 weeks after the initial event. In some people, symptoms may not develop for as long as 3 months.


  • chest pain that’s worse when lying down
  • chest pain that worsens with deep breathing or coughing (pleuritic pain)
  • fever
  • difficult or labored breathing
  • fatigue
  • decreased appetite


A doctor may suspect you have Dressler syndrome if you start feeling ill a few weeks after heart surgery or a heart attack. They’ll want to conduct tests that help rule out other conditions and confirm a diagnosis.



If not treated, inflammation of the pericardium can lead to serious complications. The immune response that causes Dressler syndrome may also cause a condition known aspleural effusion。This is when fluid accumulates in the membranes around your lungs.

在极少数情况下,心脏的慢性炎症会导致非常严重的并发症,包括cardiac tamponade。这是液体在心脏周围的囊中积聚的时候。液体会给心脏施加压力,并防止其向身体其余部分泵送足够的血液。这可能导致器官衰竭,震惊甚至死亡。

Chronic inflammation in the heart can also lead toconstrictive pericarditis。这是心包因长期炎症而变厚或疤痕的时候。


  • being of younger age
  • having viral infections
  • a history of心包炎
  • 先前用泼尼松治疗
  • surgeries that involve more myocardial damage (e.g., valve replacement)
  • 具有B阴性血型
  • 使用氟烷麻醉

治疗旨在减少炎症。您的医生可能建议参加非处方(OTC)nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)像布洛芬(Advil,Motrin)一样naproxen()都属或大剂量的阿司匹林。你可能有to take them for 4 to 6 weeks.秋水仙碱(Colcrys),一种抗炎药,也可以开处方。

如果OTC抗炎药不能改善您的症状,您的医生可能会开处方皮质类固醇, which suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation. Because of their side effects, corticosteroids are usually a last resort.

Treating complications


  • 通过用针从肺中排出液体,可以治疗胸膜积液。该过程称为thoracentesis
  • 心脏填塞用称为心脏穿刺术。在此过程中,使用针或导管去除多余的液体。
  • 狭窄的心包炎可以通过手术治疗以切除心包(心包切除术)。

Dressler综合征的前景通常是有利的。但这确实如此dependon how quickly the condition is diagnosed and treated. Though rare, long-term follow-up is recommended because of the risk of complications, like cardiac tamponade, which can be fatal. A person that has had an episode of Dressler syndrome is at a higher risk of having another episode.

幸运的是,情况是 现在不太普遍 due to advancements in treatments for heart attacks.


Your doctor will perform a physical examination, including listening to your heart with a stethoscope. They may also take a complete blood count and cultures and measure inflammation markers, so be prepared to have blood drawn.
