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There’s a rush of air on your face as you plunge over the edge into nothingness. You flail about, frantic for something to grab before you hit bottom, but there’s nothing — and no one — to save you. Terror consumes you as the bottom comes into view, and then, slam!

You wake up in bed. Your heart is beating too fast, but you’re safe. It was just a dream.



Studies show that certain dream themes, including falling, arecommon。研究人员认为这可能反映出无助或拒绝的感觉。


  • insecure or unstable
  • 不足或劣等
  • 焦虑的
  • overwhelmed
  • 失控

如果您经常梦想着跌倒,您可能想弄清楚原因。噩梦can sometimes be a sign of:



Dreaming that you parachuted out of an airplane or took a graceful dive into a safety net isn’t so scary. This could be a sign that you’re letting go of something negative or setting yourself free.


共同创造的梦的理论suggeststhat how we respond to what happens in the dream provides more insight than individual details.


When trying to understand your dreams, write down as many details as you can remember before they fade.

Then consider how people, places, and objects from the dream fit into your waking life. Try to zero in on the emotions you felt and what real-life events mirror those emotions.

Just as you’re about to hit the surface, your legs jerk and you wake up with a start, a motion that saves you from the fall. It’s a discombobulating way to wake up.

催眠混蛋是突然的,非自愿的肌肉收缩,通常会在您入睡时发生。这会影响60%至70%of us.

The exact cause isn’t clear, but one symptom of a hypnic jerk is the sensation of falling.



There’s not much scientific research to explain the meaning of a dream where someone else is falling.

It’s possible that you’re deeply concerned about someone you know whose life is spinning out of control. Or maybe you’re worried that someone is leaving you, emotionally or physically.

Think about the person in the dream and what they represent to you.

You can’t totallycontrol your dreams。坠落的梦可能与压力有关,因此您可以做一些事情来过渡到更宁静的睡眠。

  • 切断caffeine
  • Dobreathing exercisesor other relaxation techniques to wind down before going to bed.
  • Avoid emotionally stressful or physically strenuous activities in the hour before going to sleep.
  • Remove work-related items and electronic devices from the bedroom.
  • 如果您醒来并不能回去睡觉,请离开卧室,做一些放松的事情,直到您再次疲倦为止。

噩梦tend to occur during stressful periods. Your dreams about falling may stop as you work through your problems.

研究suggests that evaluating dreams can be therapeutically valuable. If dreams of falling don’t subside or they continue to trouble you during the day, you may benefit from therapy. A qualified mental health professional can help you deal with your dreams and manage the stress that triggers them.


Whether you记住梦想,你可能梦想four to six timesa night, mostly during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. DuringREM睡眠,您的脑波几乎与醒着时一样活跃。


虽然很多types of dreamsare easily forgettable, it can be difficult to shakevivid dreams,例如我们跌倒的那些。

Does dreaming have a purpose? Though there are many plausible theories as to我们为什么梦,我们不能肯定地说很多。

Dreams may help us form memories, work through problems, or help us practice various scenarios. Perhaps dreams serve multiple functions.

Science has yet to determine exactly why people dream or what specific dreams mean. Dreams about falling tend to occur as you fall asleep and sometimes coincide with involuntary muscle spasms.


Dreams about falling may reflect feelings of inadequacy or a sense that your life is out of control. Dealing with your stressors may encourage less frightening dreams.
