Down syndromeoccurs when a baby develops an extra copy of the 21st chromosome during pregnancy, resulting in telltale symptoms. These distinctivesigns and symptoms除了发展和智力困难外,还可以包括可识别的面部特征。


Each year, about 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome in the United States

One out of every 700 babies born in the United States is estimated to have the condition.

The estimated incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide, according to the World Health Organization .

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder in the United States

Though Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring genetic chromosomal disorder, the way the condition presents itself in each person will differ.

Some people will have mild to moderate intellectual and developmental problems, while others might have more severe complications.



While the condition may be thought of as a singular syndrome, there are actually three different types.

Trisomy 21, or nondisjunction, is the most common. It accounts for 95 percent of all cases.

The other two types are called易位andmosaicism. Regardless of which type a person has, everyone with Down syndrome has an extra pair of chromosome 21.

Babies of every race can have Down syndrome

Down syndrome does not occur in one race more than another.

In the United States, however, black or African American infants with Down syndrome have a lower chance 疾病预防控制中心(CDC)称,与患有这种情况的白人婴儿相比,他们的生命第一年生存。原因不清楚的原因。

People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome

The nucleus of a typical cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46 total chromosomes. Each of these chromosomes determines something about you, from your hair color to your sex.

People with Down syndrome have an extra copy or partial copy of chromosome 21.

Maternal age is the only certain risk factor for Down syndrome

Eighty percentof children with either trisomy 21 or mosaicism Down syndrome are born to mothers who are younger than 35 years old. Younger women have babies more frequently, so the number of babies with Down syndrome are higher in that group.

However, moms who are older than 35 are more likely to have a baby affected by the condition.

According to theNational Down Syndrome Society, a 35-year-old woman has approximately a 1 in 350 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome. This chance increases gradually to 1 in 100 by age 40 and approximately 1 in 30 by age 45.


Neither trisomy 21 nor mosaicism is inherited from a parent. These cases of Down syndrome are the result of a random cell division event during the baby’s development.

But三分之一of translocation cases are hereditary, accounting for about 1 percent of all cases of Down syndrome. That means the genetic material that can lead to Down syndrome is passed from parent to child.

Both parents can be carriers of the translocation Down syndrome genes without showing any signs or symptoms of Down syndrome.

Women who have had one child with Down syndrome have an increased chance of having another child with the condition

If a woman has one child with the condition, her risk for having a second child with the syndrome is about1 in 100直到40岁。

The risk of having a second child with the translocation type of Down syndrome is about 10 to 15 percent if the mother carries the genes. If the father is the carrier, however, the risk is about 3 percent.

People with Down syndrome can have a variety of complications

Infants with Down syndrome who also had a congenital heart defect were found to be five times more likely to die in the first year of life compared to infants with Down syndrome who didn’t have a heart defect.

Likewise, acongenital heart defect是20岁之前死亡的最大预测因素之一。但是,心脏手术的新发展正在帮助患有这种病情更长的人。

Compared to children without Down syndrome, children with Down syndrome are at higher risk for complications that include hearing loss — 高达75% 可能受到影响 - 眼睛疾病,如白内障 - up to 60 percent .

Symptoms of Down syndrome aren’t the same for each person

Down syndrome causes many distinct characteristics, like:

  • a small stature
  • upwardly slanting eyes
  • a flattened bridge of the nose
  • a short neck

However, each person will have different degrees of the characteristics, and some of the features may not appear at all.

People with Down syndrome can work but often have jobs that underutilize their skills

According toone national survey in 2015,只有57%的成年人患有唐氏综合症的回答e employed, and only 3 percent were full-time paid employees.

More than 25 percent of respondents were volunteers, almost 3 percent were self-employed, and 30 percent were unemployed.

Moreover, the highest percentage of people worked in the restaurant or food industry and in janitorial and cleaning services, even though a large majority of adults reported that they use computers.


From 1979 to 2003, the rate of death for a person born with Down syndrome during their first year of life fell by about 41 percent .

That means only about 5 percent of babies born with Down syndrome will die by age 1.

The average age of survival continues to increase

At the turn of the 20th century, children with Down syndrome rarely lived past 9 years old. Now, thanks to advancements in treatment, the majority of people with the condition will live toage 60. Some may live even longer.

Early intervention is vital

While Down syndrome can’t be cured, treatment and teaching life skills can go a long way to improve the child’s — and eventually the adult’s — quality of life.

Treatment programs通常包括身体,言语和职业疗法,生活技能课程和教育机会。许多学校和基金会为患有唐氏综合症的儿童和成人提供高度专业的课程和课程。

Half of older adults with Down syndrome will develop memory loss

People with Down syndrome are living to be much older, but as they age, it’s not uncommon for them to develop thinking and memory problems .

According to the Down’s Syndrome Association, by their 50s, approximatelyhalfof the people with Down syndrome will be showing evidence of memory loss and other problems — such as loss of skills — associated with havingAlzheimer’s disease.


People with the condition are prospering, and their lifespans are increasing thanks to the improvement of treatments and therapies.


Jen Thomas is a journalist and media strategist based in San Francisco. When she’s not dreaming of new places to visit and photograph, she can be found around the Bay Area struggling to wrangle her blind Jack Russell terrier or looking lost because she insists on walking everywhere. Jen is also a competitive Ultimate Frisbee player, a decent rock climber, a lapsed runner, and an aspiring aerial performer.