
Health and wellness touch each of us differently. This is one person’s story.

对于任何人来说,找到正确的锻炼程序都是很难的。当你抛出历史eating disorders,body dysmorphia, 和exercise addiction, it can feel impossible.

I was 14 when I realized my relationship with food and exercise was unhealthy. I had become increasingly afraid of — and anxious around — food. I was also becoming obsessed with how often and how intensely I worked out. Food and exercise began to take over other aspects of my life, including family dynamics and friendships.

After seven years of therapy and two years of feeling like I’m in a good stage of recovery, I’ve finally developed a healthy, fulfilling, nonobsessive relationship with food and exercise.



有氧机器(例如跑步机和椭圆机)为我触发。他们让我想起我花的时间hourson them, working my body to the point of exhaustion or literally falling off.

When I find myself in a gym, I stay away from cardio machines and focus on free weights or strengthening machines. These help me focus on breathing and controlling my motions, rather than reaching a number of calories burnt or time spent. I don’t like numbers in any form — that includes math.

I also haveasthma,这使最大的有氧运动困难。但是,由于这是运动的重要组成部分,所以我喜欢长途跋涉,最高6英里。快速行走并进行一些山坡重复会使我的心脏速度提高,同时也感到治疗。另外,我可以在户外度过时光时听我喜欢的音乐 - 不喜欢什么?

我锻炼身体会感觉更好,能够打击我的抑郁和焦虑,并为我的身体做一些好事。我愿意notwork out to lose weight. I work out because it feels good, not because I have to.


最多,我每周锻炼五次。那很少发生。我确实尝试确保每天移动我的身体 - 步行和下班,伸展等等 - 但只定期预留时间来每周三到四次。

This fluctuates. There are some weeks, or even months, when I’m too busy with other aspects of my life to work out. And that’s OK. I always remind myself I’ll jump back into it slowly, and that I’m nourishing other areas of my life, just as I like to nourish my body with exercise and food. I remind myself: It’s all about balance, right? Right.

Competitive spaces don’t feel good for me. They generally make me start comparing my body to others, which leads me down a spiral of body shame and dysmorphia. Spaces with a wide variety of people, body types, and ages feel healing and communal, rather than stressful.

If I feel uncomfortable in what I’m wearing, I’ll ultimately feel uncomfortable during the whole workout. I have a few favorite pairs of leggings — they’re soft, flexible, and make me feel good. Setting yourself up for the workout is just as important as the workout itself.

For those who have a habit of using exercise to “make up” for meals or help them restrict, this is especially important. Your workout should fit into your schedule — rather than you forming your schedule around your workout.




Brittany is a freelance writer, media maker, and sound lover located in San Francisco. Her work focuses on personal experiences, specifically regarding local arts and culture happenings. More of her work can be found atbrittanyladin.com.