What Is a Dislocation?



脱臼typically result when a joint experiences an unexpected or unbalanced impact. This might happen if you fall or experience a harsh hit to the affected area. After a joint dislocates, it’s more likely to dislocate again in the future.

Anyone can dislocate a joint if they fall or experience some other type of trauma. However, older persons tend to have a higher risk, especially if they lack mobility or are less able to prevent falls.

Children can also be at a greater risk for dislocations if they are unsupervised or play in an area that hasn’t been childproofed. Those who practice unsafe behavior during physical activities put themselves at higher risk for accidents such as dislocations.



  • loss of motion
  • pain during movement
  • 在该地区周围麻木
  • tingling feeling


Your doctor will examine the affected area. He will be checking circulation to the area, deformity, and whether the skin is broken. If your doctor believes that you have a broken bone or a dislocation, he will order an X-ray. On occasion, special imaging such as an MRI may be required. These imaging tools will enable your doctor to see exactly what’s going on in the joint or bone involved.

Your doctor’s choice of treatment will depend on which joint you dislocated. It may also depend on the severity of your dislocation. According toJohns Hopkins University, initial treatment for any dislocation involves RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. In some cases, the dislocated joint might go back into place naturally after this treatment.

If the joint doesn’t return to normal naturally, your doctor may use one of the following treatments:

  • manipulation or repositioning
  • immobilization
  • medication
  • 复原


In this method, your doctor will manipulate or reposition the joint back into place. You’ll be given a sedative or anesthetic to remain comfortable and also to allow the muscles near your joint to relax, which eases the procedure.




Most of your pain should go away after the joint returns to its proper place. However, your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever or a muscle relaxant if you’re still feeling pain.


You will need surgery only if the dislocation damaged your nerves or blood vessels, or if your doctor is unable to return your bones to their normal position. Surgery may also be necessary for those who often dislocate the same joints, such as their shoulders. To prevent redislocation, it may be necessary to reconstruct the joint and repair any damaged structures. On occasion, a joint has to be replaced, such as a hip replacement.




  • 上下楼梯时使用扶手。
  • 在该地区保持急救箱。
  • 在潮湿的区域使用Nonskid垫,如浴室。
  • 将电线从地板上移动。
  • 避免使用抛出地毯。


  • 教孩子安全行为。
  • Watch and supervise children as needed.
  • Ensure that your home is childproof and safe.
  • Put gates on stairways to prevent falls.

If you’re an adult and want to protect yourself from dislocations, you should:

  • 在进行体育等体育运动时,请穿着防护装备或衣服。
  • 从地板上抛出抛出地毯,或用nonskid地毯替换它们。
  • 避免站在不稳定的物品上,如椅子。

Every dislocation has its own unique healing time. Most people experience a full recovery in several weeks. For some joints, such as hips, full recovery may take several months or years and may require additional surgeries.


The healing time will also be longer if blood vessels or nerves were damaged in the dislocation. On occasion, the blood vessels that supply the bones are permanently damaged.
