The sigmoid colon is the last section of the bowel — the part that attaches to the rectum. It’s about a foot and a half long (around 40 centimeters) and is shaped like the letter “s.” Its job is to hold feces until you’re ready to go to the bathroom.

乙状结肠包含大量的肌肉组织。muscles in the sigmoid are arranged two ways: Some bundles of muscle tissue run up and down the length of the sigmoid tube, and some bundles are arranged in circular bands around the tube.

The circular bands of muscle pinch the tube into small sacs called haustra, making the sigmoid look a little bit like a string of plump beads. As the muscles contract, the haustra shift and move, pushing feces along the bowel tract.




The sigmoid portion of the bowel sits down low in the abdominal cavity, near the uterus in in women and near the bladder in men.


消化食物到达乙状结肠,金属氧化物半导体t of the nutrients have already been extracted by the stomach and small intestines, but the sigmoid can extract water and vitamins from the feces while it’s waiting to be expelled.

If there’s a problem in your sigmoid colon, you’ll probably feel abdominal疼痛. You might feel nauseated or lose your appetite, and you might experience either diarrhea or constipation.

You might also notice blood in your stool. Sometimes people with sigmoid colon problems also feel fatigued, become anemic, or lose weight.


Polyps are lumps of tissue in the colon, most of which are not cancerous. Anyone can get them, but they are more likely to form as you get older. Smoking and being overweight also increase your risk.

It’s important to have a colonoscopy to find and remove polyps because they can get bigger over time, and the larger the polyp, the more likely it is to become cancerous.


The 美国癌症学会 reports that colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States, with more than 145,000 new cases expected to be diagnosed this year.



Ulcerative colitis


根据这一点 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , you may be at higher risk for ulcerative colitis if you eat a high-fat diet, if the disease seems to run in your family, or if your intestinal immune system is overly sensitive. Jewish people are also at higher risk for developing ulcerative colitis.


Crohn’s disease

Like ulcerative colitis,Crohn’s diseasecauses inflammation, swelling, and pain in the intestinal tract. Most of the time, Crohn’s disease affects the upper gastrointestinal tract, but it can occur anywhere, including the sigmoid colon.

Crohn’s disease can lead to infections in your intestines and in other parts of your body, and it can become life-threatening for some people, so it’s important to talk to a doctor and start treatments early to prevent severe complications from happening.


A gastrointestinal瘘管is an opening in your bowel that allows gastric fluid to leak into other parts of your body. These openings usually occur after you’ve had surgery or a procedure in your abdominal area.

瘘管may also develop if you’ve had an inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s for a long time. Gastrointestinal fistulae can lead to sepsis, an extremely dangerous systemic infection.



Diverticula are small balloon-like sacs that push outward through weak spots in your intestinal wall. Most of the time diverticula don’t cause any symptoms at all, but they can occasionally become painful and problematic.





It’s really important to respond quickly if these symptoms occur, because this condition can be life-threatening. Doctors can often repair the damaged part of the baby’s bowel.





Asigmoidoscopy.lets a doctor check just the sigmoid part of your intestine, using a slender tube with a light source and camera attached to it. During the procedure, air will be used to open up your intestine so the doctor can see it clearly. You may or may not be sedated for this procedure.




如果您的乙状病受伤或受疾病损坏,您可能必须在手术修理或重新分区. These procedures may be done with a traditional incision or they may be performed via laparoscopy.


If you have a sigmoid problem, you’re likely to feel pain in your lower abdomen. You may also have other symptoms like blood in your stool, loss of appetite, anemia, abdominal bloating, or fatigue.
