

Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the world. In the United States alone, it affects around 42 million people, according to the 国家糖尿病与消化和肾脏疾病研究所(NIDDK)


If your time on the toilet is troublesome and you’d rather not reach into the medicine cabinet, fear not. There are plenty of natural ways to soften your stool.


根据男性应每天获得38克纤维,女性应25克。营养与饮食学院。However, the average adult gets only about half that, so adding more to your diet is often a good solution.


Good sources of soluble fiber include:

Good sources of insoluble fiber include:


喝足够的液体,,,,especially water, can help avoid this uncomfortable situation, according to studies 。但是,每天的八镜头规则不是普遍的真理。不同的人有不同的水合需求。以下是一个一般规则:如果您的尿液是dark yellow,,,,low volume,,,,and infrequent, you aren’t getting enough fluids and may already be dehydrated.

就像纤维一样,普通美国人的运动不足。超过三分之一的美国人是肥胖,根据 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) 。Exercise helps stimulate digestion 因为当您移动时,您的身体也会穿过肠道。

Besides offering momentary relief, exercise can help youlose weight,,,,which has shown to decrease gastrointestinal problems such as constipation. Talking a 30-minute walk after a meal can help your body digest food better and promote regular digestion.

泻盐and water aren’t just great for soothing sore muscles. They’re also good for loosening up troublesome stool. You can find a variety of Epsom salt bath productshere

在浴缸中加3至5杯泻盐。浸泡是放松的,会增加peristaltic movementof the bowel. You’re also absorbingmagnesiumthrough your skin.

Magnesium sulfate is a major component of Epsom salt. When taken orally, it can be effective for relieving short-term constipation. Dissolve the powder form in 8 ounces of water. The maximum dose for an adult or child over 12 years old should be 6 teaspoons. The maximum dose for a child between 6 and 11 years old should be 2 teaspoons. Children under 6 shouldn’t take Epsom salts.

This isn’t recommended for regular use. It’s easy for bowels to become dependent onlaxatives。Because the taste is a bit foul, it might be worth squirting some lemon juice into the solution before you drink up.

Mineral oil是一种润滑剂。口服交付时,它可以通过涂上凳子以及防水膜中的肠子来促进肠运动。这样可以使凳子内的水分保持在更容易的情况下。有矿物油泻药可用here。泻药仅用于短期使用,因此请勿使用超过2周的时间使用它们。

Studiesalso show that橄榄油and亚麻籽油can be as effective as mineral oil for treating constipation in people being treated forkidney failure。Pregnant women shouldn’t take mineral oil. Talk to your doctor before you use mineral oil on children.