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Often,便秘causes bowel movements that are not only infrequent, but also hard and difficult to pass. This leads to excessive straining and time spent on the toilet.

The causes of constipation vary. The condition may simply be due to such as things as脱水或吃太少的纤维食物。在其他情况下,更严重的病例,便秘可以是压力,激素变化,脊髓损伤,肌肉问题,癌症和其他结构问题影响消化道的结果。


1. Take a fiber supplement


You can buy fiber supplements on亚马逊。Here are a few common ones:

  • calcium polycarvophil (FiberCon)
  • psyllium(Metamucil,Konsyl)
  • methylcellulose (Citrucel)

2. Eat a serving of high-fiber food


  • oats
  • whole-grain bread or cereal
  • 纤维素食和水果
  • rice and beans



Proper hydration —typically at least eight 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid per day-is necessary for normal bowel movements. If you’re constipated and haven’t been drinking an adequate amount of water, consuming a large glass of water or other clear liquid may trigger a bowel movement.


Laxative stimulants are designed to force a bowel movement by squeezing the intestines. You can get stimulants over the counter at your local pharmacy. Some popular options include:

  • Bisacodyl(Dulcolax,Ducdodyl,甲特尔)
  • 塞纳 - 斯米诺斯氏素(森科特)

5. Take an osmotic

Osmotic laxatives work slightly differently than stimulant laxatives. They’re designed to help move fluids through the colon. Some examples include:

  • magnesium hydroxide (Phillips Milk of Magnesia)
  • polyethylene glycol (miralax.的)
  • 柠檬酸镁
  • lactulose (Kristalose)

With a doctor’s prescription, you can obtain higher-strength polyethylene glycol, also called PEG (Golytely, Nulytely).

6. Try a lubricant laxative

Lubricant laxatives such as mineral oil add a slick coat to your intestine’s walls, allowing stool to move through your colon and out of your body more easily. Take mineral oil no more than two hours after your evening meal. Expect results within six to eight hours.

7. Use a stool softener


8. Try an enema

你可以尝试有几种类型的灌肠。灌肠通过软化凳子,足以产生肠道运动。一些常见类型的灌肠包括磷酸钠(舰队),闷闷不乐和自来水灌肠。Learn about proper ways to administer an enema.

9. Try a suppository

直肠栓剂also help encourage bowel movements by softening stool. Try a glycerin or bisacodyl suppository, which you can find at your local pharmacy.


下次需要大便时将小脚凳放入浴室中。当你大便时,让你的脚放在厕所前面的凳子上 - 所以你的身体基本上是蹲在的位置而不是在坐姿的位置 - 可以帮助你通过凳子而不紧张。

11. Get some exercise



Massaging the colon can help stimulate the bowels.

The above advice can help encourage a quick bowel movement to relieve short-term discomfort. However, some of the lifestyle changes can also keep your constipation at bay more permanently. For regularity, try to make these tips part of your daily habit.

  • 用新鲜水果和蔬菜,豆类,豆类和全谷物添加更多纤维。每1000卡路里,您应该每天至少消耗14克纤维。如果您需要服用慢性便秘的纤维补充剂,请从低剂量开始并随耐受性增加。对于某些人来说,大量的纤维可能导致腹胀。
  • Exercise most days of the week with a daily walk, jog, bike ride, swim, or other form of exercise. Light exercise helps maintain proper circulation and can keep the bowels healthy.
  • Consume plenty of liquids — mostly water and other clear liquids — every day. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of clear liquids per day.
  • Manage your stress.
  • Never “hold in” your stool.
