
Adults eligible for this surgery are typically more than 100 pounds overweight or have a体重指数(BMI)over 35.

You may also be eligible if your BMI is between 30 and 35, your health is at risk due to your weight, and making lifestyle changes hasn’t led to weight loss, according to the美国代谢和肥胖症外科(ASMBS)



The pre-surgery diet is geared toward reducing the amount of fat in and around your liver. This reduces the risk of complications during the surgery.

After the surgery, your doctor will tailor the general diet guidelines for you. The post-surgery diet usually consists of several weekly phases. It helps you recover, meet the needs of your now smaller stomach, and gain healthier eating habits.

手术前减肥有助于减少你周围的脂肪量肝脏andabdomen。This may allow you to have alaparoscopy而不是公开手术。腹腔镜手术较少侵入性,需要更少的恢复时间,并且在您的身体上更容易。

Losing weight prior to surgery not only keeps you safer during the procedure, but it also helps train you for a new way of eating.

Your exact eating plan and pre-op weight loss goal will be determined by your healthcare provider and likely with the help of aregistered dietitian

Your eating plan may begin as soon as you’re cleared for the procedure. If sufficient weight loss doesn’t occur, the procedure may be postponed or canceled. For this reason, you should start the diet plan as soon as you can.



What to eat

op op饮食主要由蛋白质奶昔和其他高蛋白质,低热量食物组成,易于消化。


作为您的手术日期接近,您可能需要遵循大部分液体或仅唯一的饮食。根据您的体重和整体健康,您的医生可能会允许您在此期间吃一些固体。这些可能包括鱼类,淋浴的热谷物或soft-boiled eggs


The post-surgery diet plan consists of several stages. How long each stage lasts and what you can eat and drink will be determined by your healthcare provider or dietitian.


Stage 1: Liquid diet

During stage 1, your nutritional intake is geared toward helping your body heal from surgery. Your diet can help you avoid postoperative complications.

最初的几天,你只能喝几盎司透明液体at a time. This helps your stomach heal without being stretched out by food.

After clear liquids, you’ll graduate to additional types of liquid, including:

  • 脱咖啡因咖啡和茶
  • skim milk
  • 薄汤和肉汤
  • unsweetened juice
  • 无糖gelatin
  • 无糖ice pops


Once your doctor decides you’re ready, you can move on to stage 2. This stage consists of puréed foods that have a thick, pudding-like consistency.

Many foods can be puréed at home with a food processor,blender, or other device.

Spicy seasonings may irritate the stomach, so avoid these completely or try them one at a time. Avoid fruits and vegetables that have lots of seeds, such as strawberries or kiwi. You should also stay away from foods that are too fibrous to liquefy, such as broccoli and cauliflower.

Instead, choose foods that liquefy well, such as:

水果 applesauce,bananas, canned fruits,peaches,apricots,pears,pineapples, melons
蔬菜 spinach,carrots,summer squash,green beans
Protein 酸奶,cottage cheese,ricotta cheese,beef, 鸡,turkey,白鱼(鳕鱼,罗非鱼, haddock), scrambled eggs

Stage 1 baby foods (which don’t contain solids) and vegetable juices such asV8也是方便的选择。

However, at this stage, it’s important not to drink fluids with your meals.


You’ll probably eat nothing but puréed food for several weeks. Once your doctor decides you’re ready, you can start buildingsoft, easy-to-chew foodsinto your diet. These may include:

  • soft-boiled eggs
  • 碎肉
  • baked or steamed white fish
  • canned fruits, such as peaches or pears

It is important to eat small bites. Eat a little at a time and practice good portion control.

Stage 4: Stabilization

Stage 4 of the gastric bypass diet includes the reintroduction of solid food. It typically begins about 2 months after surgery.

Because your stomach is much smaller, you’ll still need to dice or chop your food into small bites. Large pieces of food may cause a blockage, which can lead to pain, nausea, and vomiting.

引入新的食物缓慢。这样,你就可以最好的determine which ones your stomach can tolerate and which ones to avoid. Eliminate any food that causes abdominal discomfort, vomiting, or nausea.


Certain foods and drinks shouldn’t be attempted yet, such as those that are hard to digest. These include:

  • fibrous or stringy vegetables, such as pea pods
  • 爆米花
  • corn on the cob
  • 碳酸饮料,如苏打水和塞尔兹
  • tough meat
  • 油炸食品
  • crunchy foods, such as pretzels, granola, seeds, and nuts
  • dried fruit
  • bread and bread products, such as muffins

About 4 months after surgery, you may be able to resume eating normally.

但是,部分控制仍然很重要。确保您的饮食主要由水果,蔬菜组成,瘦蛋白质, andhealthy carbohydrates。避免不健康的食物,脂肪,碳水化合物和卡路里。

Eating well means you can enjoy continued health without putting weight back on.



Low-impact exercises are a good option for the first month. These includewalkingandswimming。You may also benefit fromsimple yoga poses, stretching, anddeep breathing exercises

Over the next several months, you can slowly build up tostrength trainingandcardioworkouts.


  • walking instead of riding the bus
  • 停车远离您的目的地
  • taking the stairs instead of the elevator

遵循适当的前后饮食可以帮助您避免并发症,如dehydration,nausea, and便秘


Sometimes the connection between your stomach and intestines can become narrowed. This can occur even if you’re careful about what you eat.

If you have nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain for more than 2 days, let your doctor know. These are all symptoms of a possibleobstruction

Dumping syndrome

Portion control, eating and drinking slowly, and staying away from high-sugar, high-fat foods can also help you avoid what’s known asdumping syndrome。Dumping syndrome occurs if foods or beverages enter yoursmall intestine太快或太大的量。

Eating and drinking at the same time may also cause dumping syndrome. This is because it increases intake volume.

Dumping syndrome can happen at any stage of the post-op diet. Symptoms include:

帮助避免倾倒综合征,星期四mb is to take at least half an hour to eat each meal.



Following the recommended pre-op and post-op diet will go a long way toward your success. The right diet can protect you from surgical complications and teach you how to eat and drink well for the rest of your life.