Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type ofnon-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)。It’s a fast-growing blood cancer that requires treatment as soon as possible.

作为一种lymphoma,DLBCL affects your body’s white blood cells and ability to fight infections. Treatments for DLBCL are improving and typically include chemotherapy and radiation. You might also receive immunotherapy or have a stem cell transplant in some cases.

In this article, we take a closer look at this type of cancer, including symptoms, treatment options, and outlook.


DLBCL is also an aggressive form of NHL. It can be fatal if left untreated.

一个ll lymphomas, including DLBCL, affect the organs of your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is what allows your body to fight infections. Lymphomas such as DLBCL affect the organs in your lymphatic system. This includes your:

  • 骨髓
  • 胸腺
  • spleen
  • 淋巴结

B-cells are cells your immune system relies on to make antibodies and fight infection. When you have DLBCL, your normal B-cells get overwhelmed by the cancerous abnormal cells. This means your body can’t make the antibodies your immune system needs.

The cause of DLBCL isn’t known. However, there are a few factors that are known to increase your risk. These factors include:

  • 一个ge.It usually affects those who are middle-aged or older. The average age at diagnosis is 64.
  • Ethnicity.DLBCL is more likely to affect white people than any other group in the United States.
  • Sex at birth.Men have a slightly higher risk than women.
  • DLBCL的家庭成员。拥有DLBCL或其他形式的淋巴瘤的父母或兄弟姐妹会增加您的风险。
  • 一个weakened immune system.如果您的免疫系统因HIV等慢性病或进行器官移植而削弱了您的免疫系统,您就会面临更大的风险。

Some studies have also suggested there might be a link between the following factorsand an increased risk of DLBCL:

  • 有肥胖症(仍然需要进行更多的研究来确认此链接)
  • 暴露于辐射(仍然需要更多的研究来确认此链接)
  • 接触herbicide glyphosate (Roundup)

另外,低度,非侵略性淋巴瘤具有转化为DLBCL的潜力,估计转化速率2 to 3 percent per year

The following are the primary symptoms you may experience with DLBCL:

  • enlarged lymph nodes
  • 夜汗
  • 不寻常的减肥
  • loss of appetite
  • extreme tiredness or fatigue
  • fever
  • extreme itchiness


  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • 粪便中的血液
  • cough
  • shortness of breath

DLBCL通过执行biopsy部分或全部的肿块,淋巴结肿大,或area with the abnormalities. A biopsy is the act of removing tissue and then examining the tissue under a microscope to determine if lymphoma is present.

Depending on various factors, including the location of the affected area, this procedure may be done under general or local anesthesia.

Your doctor will also interview you for details on your medical issues and symptoms, and give you a physical exam.


Treatment of DLBCL is determined by several factors. However, the most important factor your doctor will use to determine treatment options is whether your disease is localized or advanced.

  • Localized means it hasn’t spread.
  • 一个dvanced is usually when the disease has spread to more than one location in your body.

The treatments commonly used on DLBCL are described below. You might have treatments separately or in combination.

化学疗法for DLBCL

化学疗法works by slowing down the ability of the rapidly growing cancer cells to reproduce. You’ll take chemotherapy medication orally or through anIV

The most common chemotherapy treatment is referred to asR-CHOP。R-CHOP代表化疗和免疫疗法的组合利妥昔单抗,,,,环磷酰胺,,,,阿霉素,,,,and vincristine, along with强的松

R-CHOP is given through an IV for four of the medications, and prednisone is taken by mouth. R-CHOP is usually administered every 3 weeks for 4 to 6 cycles.


Radiation therapyis a treatment where high-intensityX-raysare aimed at the cancer cells. Radiation can help kill cancer cells quickly, especially when it’s used in combination with chemotherapy.

Immunotherapy for DLBCL

Immunotherapy drugstarget groups of cancer cells with antibodies and work to destroy them. Immunotherapy helps your body’s immune system recognize and kill cancer cells. The immunotherapy drug, rituximab, specifically targets the B-cells or lymphocytes. Rituximab can affect the heart and may not be an option if you have certain heart conditions.

Surgery for DLBCL


Stem cell transplants for DLBCL

一个stem cell transplantreplaces the cancerous white blood cells in your bone marrow with new healthy white blood cells. The cells develop from your own stems cells or donor stem cells.


Stem cell transplants are only used in DLBCL that has relapsed after initial treatment.

Treatment for early-stage DLBCL


Treatment for advanced DLBCL

一个dvanced DLBCL is treated with the same R-CHOP combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy medications. However, advanced DLBCL requires more rounds of the medications that are administered every 3 weeks.


三分之二 of people with DLBCL will be cured with first-line chemotherapy. (First-line treatment is the first treatment administered for a cancer.) The remainder of people will require further treatments.

Most people with DLBCL aren’t diagnosed until the later stages. This is because you may not have outward symptoms until later. After diagnosis, your doctor will perform tests to determine the stage of your lymphoma. These tests may include some of the following:

  • 组合宠物和CT扫描,或单独进行CT扫描
  • blood tests
  • 骨髓活检

Staging tells your medical team how far the tumors have spread throughout your lymphatic system. The stages for DLBCL are as follows:

阶段 Definition
stage 1 只有一个地区或站点的影响;这包括淋巴结,,,,lymph structure, or extranodal sites.
stage 2 涉及两个或多个淋巴结区域或两个或两个或多个淋巴结结构。在此阶段,所涉及的区域位于身体的同一侧。
stage 3 所涉及的淋巴结区域和结构在隔膜上方和下方。
stage 4 除淋巴结和淋巴结外,其他器官在整个体内都涉及。这些器官可能包括您的骨髓,肝脏或肺部。

These stages will also be accompanied by either an A or B after the stage number.

  • The letter A means you aren’t having the common symptoms of fever, night sweats, or weight loss.
  • The letter B means that you’re having these symptoms.


In addition to the staging and the A or B status, your doctor will also give you an IPI score. IPI stands for International Prognostic Index. The IPI score ranges from 1 to 5 and is based on how many of the factors you have that may lower your survival rate. These five factors are:

  • being over 60 years of age
  • having a higher than normal level of lactate dehydrogenase, a protein found in your blood
  • being in poor overall health
  • having the disease in stage 3 or 4
  • involvement of more than one extranodal disease site

一个ll three of these diagnostic criteria will be combined to give you a prognosis. They will also help your doctor determine the best treatment options for you.

一个 2020研究 found that about two-thirds of people with DLBLC will be cured, and one-third will relapse after initial treatment.

Your exact risk of relapse depends on factors such as your age, overall health, and how well you respond to treatment. Talk with your doctor about the risk in your specific case.

DLBCL is considered a curable disease when treated early. The sooner you’re diagnosed, the better your outlook will be.

