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什么是DiaStasis Recti?

Diastasis recti is the partial or complete separation of therectus abdominis,或“六包”肌肉,在您的胃中线相遇。舒张期在怀孕期间和之后非常普遍。这是因为子宫在腹部伸展肌肉以适应您成长中的婴儿。一项研究发现 60 percent of women may experience diastasis recti during pregnancy or postpartum.

The condition isn’t limited to pregnancy, though. It can affect anyone, includingnewborn babiesandmen。In some cases, it can result from lifting heavy weights incorrectly or performing excessive or unsafe abdominal exercises.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptom of diastasis recti is a pooch or bulge in your stomach, especially when you strain or contract your abdominal muscles. Additional symptoms include:

  • lower back pain
  • poor posture
  • 便秘
  • bloating



If you experience any extreme abdominal, back, or pelvic pain, see your doctor right away.


After delivery, the most noticeable symptom is a bulge or “pooch” in your belly area. Even though you’re no longer pregnant, it might look like you still are.

Here’s how to自检分娩后的舒张不足

  1. Lie on your back, legs bent, feet flat on the floor.
  2. 稍微抬起肩膀,用一只手支撑着头,向下看腹部。
  3. Move your other hand above and below your bellybutton, and all along your midline ab muscles. See if you can fit any fingers in the gaps between your muscles.
  4. 如果您感觉到差距或一到两个手指长度的分离,则可能会有一个中等的腹腔直肠。产后几周后,随着肌肉恢复力量,差距将开始缩小。


What are the causes?


In the past, body mass index (BMI), weight gain during pregnancy, weight of the baby, and maternal age were considered risk factors. But a 2015 学习 没有发现这些因素和怀孕的之间的联系nant women being more or less likely to experience the condition.

Newborn babies are sometimes born with diastasis recti, especially if they’re premature. That’s because their abdominal muscles aren’t fully developed and connected. The condition usually corrects itself with time.

How is it treated?

Most women will experience some abdominal separation during pregnancy. This can weaken your core and lead to back or pelvic pain. You may need to wear abinderorTubigrip白天的支持。另外,请注意以下操作:

  • 避免腹部肌肉的任何繁重或进一步的紧张,直到分娩后。
  • Practice good posture.
  • Support your lower back when sitting with a towel or pillow placed behind you.
  • 弯曲膝盖,滚动并在床上或起床时用手臂支撑自己,或站在地板上。

During pregnancy, you can continue to strengthen your core, but follow modified,pregnancy-safe exercisesfor diastasis recti.

对于某些妇女来说,随着AB肌肉恢复力量,分娩后可能会纠正自身。如果您仍在产后八周的症状或分离,练习may help. You can perform the exercises at home, or work with a physical therapist or postpartum fitness specialist.

产后治疗腹腔内治疗通常涉及骨盆底和深胃肌肉运动。在分娩后开始锻炼之前,请务必与您的医生联系并获得批准。完成后,请关注specialized workoutfor diastasis recti.


Avoid traditional crunches, situps, and planks postpartum until your abdomen is healed from diastasis recti. These exercises can make the condition worse.

You should also avoid:

  • 您的腹部肌肉隆起的任何剧烈运动
  • holding your baby on one hip, if it’s painful
  • lifting or carrying heavy loads
  • coughing without supporting your ab muscles



  • jeopardized trunk stability and mobility
  • 背疼
  • pelvic pain
  • 对姿势的损害
  • pelvic floor dysfunction
  • hernia, in extreme cases


Pre-pregnancy, practicestrengthening your core。这应该包括您的骨盆底和倾斜的肌肉。表演时始终使用良好形式很重要腹部运动。避免在腹部凸起或使背部紧张的任何运动中进行任何运动。向认证的私人教练寻求帮助。


专门从事产后恢复的物理治疗师可以建议进行锻炼以帮助改善直肠症状。如果Diasustasis Recti的疼痛正在干扰您的日常活动的能力,surgeryis an option. Some women also elect for surgery for cosmetic reasons. Talk to your doctor about a treatment plan that will work best for you.