Female with diabetes and CGM has sleep apnea 在Pinterest上分享


In the general population, an estimated 6 to 17 percent of adults experience some form of sleep apnea. But among those with diabetes, that number is dramatically higher with more than half 患有2型糖尿病的人患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停。研究表明,患有1型糖尿病的人也很高。


Sleep apnea当一个人在睡觉时停止呼吸时发生。



  • loud snoring
  • gaps in breathing
  • choking or gasping for air
  • falling asleep during the day


Of the three types of sleep apnea (central, obstructive, and complex),阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)最常见。使用OSA,喉咙后部的软组织塌陷,阻塞气道并打断人的呼吸。OSA与肥胖相关,但也发生在那些不是肥胖的人中。


Sleep apnea deprives the body of oxygen, which has a direct negative effect on glucose levels and insulin resistance. Its effect can be dramatic, promoting insulin resistance and changing glucose metabolism to the extent that OSA是关联的 with the development of type 2 diabetes.

肥胖 is a recognized comorbidity oftype 2 diabetes,这种合并症增加了可能性或发展OSA的可能性。脖子上的脂肪沉积会撞击气道,腹部脂肪会压缩胸壁 - 躺着或睡觉时都会收缩呼吸。

Yes, it does.

When the body is deprived of oxygen the amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream increases. In this state insulin resistance increases leading to higher levels of glucose in the blood. Over time these persistently higher glucose levels lead to a higher A1C

除了对葡萄糖水平的影响,睡眠呼吸暂停和其他睡眠中断还可以 negatively affect 糖尿病和发展的进展complications. The oxygen deprivation associated with poor quality sleep raises blood pressure and aggravates heart function. It’s associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

遵循有效糖尿病管理的标准实践 - 保持glucose levels in range,,,,healthy food choices, exercising regularly, and taking medications as prescribed) — is a good starting point for managing sleep apnea. However, there is more that can be done.

  • Begin with addressing any sinus or allergy issues that interfere with breathing clearly. This might include taking medication to keep the sinuses open and uncongested.
  • Being overweight or obese is another condition to address in treating sleep apnea. By reducing weight there is less pressure on the chest cavity and less likelihood of fat in the airway passage. Addressing both of these decreases the likelihood of unobstructed breathing while sleeping.
  • 一个连续正气道压力(CPAP)machine can be prescribed, before our after anovernight sleep studyis completed. The person wears a mask while sleeping. Attached to that mask is a hose and a device that delivers pressurized air. The pressurized air keeps the airway open, stopping disruptions to the person’s breathing.
  • Surgery is also an option. These surgeries involve removing or shrinking the tissue at the back of the back of the mouth or top of the neck. By removing this soft tissue there is less likelihood that the airway will be obstructed while sleeping.

一个medical diagnosis of sleep apnea requires aformal sleep study该人带着附着在身体上的传感器睡觉并在整个夜晚进行监控。

But with the availability of fitness trackers and mobile apps, it’s become more common for people to track and record the quality of their sleep. This can be especially helpful when sleep apnea is suspected.




  • 入睡需要多长时间
  • 这个人留着多长时间睡着了
  • 这个人整夜醒了多少次
  • How long they stayed awake before going back to sleep
  • How long the person stayed in various stages of sleep (light, deep, and REM)

These individual readings are often combined into a composite score that reflects the overall quality of sleep (poor, fair, good, excellent).

The apps often also include information on how to improve overall sleep. This can include advice on improving sleep hygiene and notifications to reinforce a standard bedtime and daily routine for winding down.

一个mong the most popular fitness trackers,Fitbit,,,,一个pple Watch,,,,一个mazon Halo,,,,and乌拉戒指all offer some ability to track sleep. They all report on the amount of time the person is sleeping and the overall quality of that sleep.

Because of the negative effects sleep apnea can have on glucose levels it’s particularly important for people with diabetes to pay attention to the quality of their sleep. Left unaddressed, what seems like inconsequential snores in the night can lead to elevated A1Cs, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

Thankfully, we do have tools and treatments to identify and then address sleep apnea—ultimately avoiding the most serious complications.

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穆拉基一世等人。(2018)。睡眠呼吸暂停和2型糖尿病。 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6123041/

Yano Y等。(2020)。黑人中葡萄糖代谢的睡眠特征和测量值:杰克逊心脏研究。 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/jaha.119.013209

Farabi, S. (2016). Type 1 Diabetes and Sleep. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4755454/

美国糖尿病协会护理标准(2022)。血糖靶标:糖尿病的医疗标准 - 2022年。https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/45/Supplement_1/S83/138927/6-Glycemic-Targets-Standards-of-Medical-Care-in