
Trying to implement healthy diet and exercise habits to manage yourtype 2 diabetes并不总是容易的。我们经常知道我们should在做,但旧的习惯和缺乏FIRLEPOWER有时会妨碍我们。

Rather than repeating the same standard message — that eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting daily exercise is important — I want to share three nutrition and exercise hacks that will help you bridge the gap between knowledge and action.



As a diabetes health coach, I’ve found that for my clients to create progress and lasting change with lowering theirA1c levels、表面知识本身是不够的。这是埃森tial that we address the emotional and psychological relationship we have with food in order to be successful in changing our habits.

One helpful tool is to identify your food triggers. For every person, there are usually two to three feelings that can trigger unhealthy food decisions, even if you “know better.” Right now, or the next time you go to reach for that brownie, ask yourself what the root of your craving is:

  • 你无聊吗?疲劳的?强调?
  • Using food as a reward?
  • 将食物连接到过去的记忆?
  • 你在一周内限制还是“好”,但让自己去周末?
  • 白天你不吃足够的东西,这导致你晚上过分吗?
  • What’s ultimately the underlying reason you’re ending up choosing those sugary, fatty, and refined comfort foods?


Type 2 diabetes is often associated with inactivity. If the thought of exercise is intimidating to you, or you have trouble sticking to a routine, here are a few ways to set yourself up for success:




Whether you find a friend to walk with at the park or get a trainer at the gym, having a support system will significantly help you stay on track for the days you don’t feel motivated to work out.



Each week, incrementally increase the amount of days and time. For example, maybe the first week you decide to exercise two days for 20 minutes, the third week you exercise three days for 20 minutes, and the fourth week you exercise for four days for 20 minutes.

An important piece in creating healthier habits around food and exercise is through reflection and mindfulness. Instead of being self-critical of the reasons you haven’t been able to lose weight or lower your A1c, look at what patterns and habits might be preventing you from making progress.

If nothing changes, nothing changes. You can’t expect different results if your actions are the same. I recommend taking out a notebook and writing down roadblocks you’ve hit in the past along your health and wellness journey. Then underneath each roadblock, write down how you can prevent it from occurring in the future and the best way to respond if it does come up.

我德文师范运动员转向Yogi,Lauren Bongiorno是糖尿病健康教练,瑜伽教练,作者和健康扬声器。致力于对健康的整体方法,劳伦教育,支持和指导全球糖尿病的人们。Lauren已成为在线糖尿病群落的声音,通过Instagram页面作为1型糖尿病患者,@lauren_bongiorno, where she’s amassed more than 24,000 engaged followers. She’s on the global ambassador council for超越1型是新推出的作者“糖尿病卫生期刊:一个3个月的实现最好的A1C指南.” To learn more about Lauren, visit her site atwww.laurenbongiorno.com..