It’s estimated that more than 100 million U.S. adults 根据疾病控制与预防中心(CDC),患有糖尿病或糖尿病前期。

But despite the number of people living with糖尿病, it’s a complex disease that’s not fully understood by all. A clear understanding of this disease, however, can help clear up a lot of the stigma surrounding it.

Here’s a look at common myths about diabetes.

Some people who don’t know much abouttype 1ortype 2 diabetesmight question whether it’s transferrable from person-to-person through sexual contact, saliva, or blood.

科学已经证实糖尿病是一种非传染性疾病,因此它不会传染 - 也不是您的错。


胰岛素is a hormone that helps the body regulate blood sugar or glucose.

With type 1 diabetes, the body doesn’t produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or use insulin properly.

It’s unknown why some people get diabetes and others don’t. In type 1 diabetes, an overactive immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys cells in the胰腺that produce insulin. This causes the pancreas to stop producing insulin.

It’s also unknown why the pancreas doesn’t produce sufficient insulin in those who have type 2 diabetes, though certain风险因素可能有助于胰岛素产生。

也许您听说有一天吃太多含糖零食会导致糖尿病。这是一个混淆许多人的普遍神话,主要是因为糖尿病涉及elevated blood sugar levels

但是,糖不会引起糖尿病, so the disease isn’t a punishment for having a sweet tooth.


胰岛素为您的身体的细胞提供glucoseto be used for energy. But sometimes, too much sugar stays in your blood.

这不是由于eating too much sugary foods, but rather your body‘s inability to use insulin properly, which in turn causes a blood sugar spike.

But while eating sugar doesn’t directly cause diabetes, it can increase your risk. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to weight gain, and more weight is a risk factor for developing diabetes.

After a diagnosis, some people assume that all sugar is off-limits, and they deprive themselves in order to better manage their blood sugar.

Other times, family members who are trying to be helpful may monitor the sugar intake of loved ones with diabetes, which can cause stress and resentment.


Managing diabetes is all abouteating a balanced diet。这包括一个健康的balance of protein, fruits, vegetables — and yes, even sugar.


  • 意大利面
  • 面包
  • fruit
  • ice cream
  • cookies



Fact #4: Diabetes can develop in people of all sizes

Diabetes isn’t a disease that only affects certain body sizes. You can get diabetes regardless of your weight.

About85%的人with type 2 diabetes are diagnosed with obesity or overweight, which means 15 percent aren’t.

Whilegeneticsis one risk factor for diabetes, it’s not the only one.

If a close family member has the disease, yes, you’re at risk too. But there are several other risk factors for diabetes that have nothing to do with family history.

Fact #5: Family history isn’t the only risk factor for diabetes

Although family history does come into play, it’s not the only factor. And the truth is, you can get diabetes if no one in your family has the disease, particularly type 2 diabetes.

Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include:

  • inactivity
  • a larger waist circumference of above 35 inches for women and above 40 inches for men
  • overweight or obesity
  • 历史糖尿病(当您的血糖水平高于正常水平时)

Because people living with type 1 diabetes don’t produce insulin, they must take insulin injections or use an insulin pump to control their blood sugar.

Some people with type 2 diabetes also produce so little insulin that they need to take insulin. But not all people with type 2 diabetes require insulin.


Many people living with type 2 diabetes are able to manage their condition and avoid blood sugar spikes by maintaining ahealthy lifestyle。This includes gettingregular physical activity

运动会对血糖产生积极影响,因为它会增加insulin sensitivity, allowing your muscle cells to better use insulin.

有些人还用饮食变化and the use oforal medication。If these measures don’t work to promote a healthy blood sugar level, insulin injections may become necessary.




High blood sugar可能引起许多并发症,包括一些威胁生命的并发症。这些包括:

它没有治疗,糖尿病也会导致妊娠并发症miscarriage,stillbirth, andbirth defects


So even if someone doesn’t need medication for diabetes today, they might need it in the future, which can be an emotional transition.

Your support can help someone cope with this disease, whether they’re newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years.


  • Encourage healthy eating habits,但不要烦恼或刺激。
  • Exercise together.Go for daily walks or enjoy other activities such as swimming or biking.
  • Attend doctor’s appointmentswith them, and take notes.
  • 教育自己有关糖尿病并学习如何识别低血日本须贺的迹象r, such as:
    • irritability
    • 头晕
    • 疲劳
    • confusion
  • Attend a local support group跟他们。
  • 提供听力and allow them to vent when needed.


Diabetes is a serious condition without a cure, and it can develop slowly. If you or someone you love develops symptoms like increased thirst, frequent urination, or slow wound healing, see a doctor for a blood sugar check.