

Factors related to your diabetes may cause you to experience nausea.


Metformin(Glucophage) is one of the more common medications used to treat diabetes. Nausea is a potential side effect for people taking this medication. Taking metformin on an empty stomach may make nausea worse.

Recall of metformin extended release

In May 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 建议一些二甲双胍扩展释放的制造商从美国市场上删除了一些平板电脑。这是因为在一些扩展的释放二甲双胍片中发现了可能的可能的致癌物(引起癌症)的不可接受的水平。


用于治疗糖尿病的可注射药物,例如艾鉴定(Byetta),liraglutide(Victoza),pramlintide(Symlin), and otherglucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists可能 引起恶心




为避免低血糖和高血糖,请跟随您的diabetes meal plan,监测血糖,并按照处方服用药物。

You should also avoid exercising in extreme temperatures and keep cool by drinking cold liquids during outside activities, advises Sheri Colberg, PhD, author, exercise physiologist, and expert on diabetes management.

Diabetic ketoacidosis

严重的恶心可能是diabetic ketoacidosis。这是一种危险的医疗状况,必须治疗以避免昏迷甚至死亡。症状包括:

If you suspect diabetic ketoacidosis, seek immediate medical attention.


  • 监测您的血糖水平
  • 按照处方服用药物
  • 测试您的尿液酮水平during periods of illness or high stress


胃轻瘫is a gastrointestinal complication. It prevents typical emptying of the stomach, which delays digestion of food and can cause nausea. If you have diabetes, you may have an increased risk of developing gastroparesis.

Symptoms of gastroparesis include:

There is no cure for gastroparesis, but there are things you can do to manage the symptoms.

尝试进食 several small meals during the day instead of three large meals. Avoid lying down after meals. Instead, take a walk or sit. This will help with digestion.



患有糖尿病的人有更高的发展机会胰腺炎。Pancreatitis is a swelling and inflammation of the pancreas and may cause nausea. Vomiting, abdominal pain, and high triglyceride levels often accompany the nausea.

保持健康的饮食可能有帮​​助 prevent or manage 胰腺炎。避免 alcohol and smoking 可能also help.


In an attempt to manage blood sugars, many people with diabetes turn to artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols to minimize their regular sugar intake.

但是,添加甜味剂的常见副作用,例如 xylitol , is nausea, as well as other digestive symptoms. When someone has more than one serving per day, the side effects may be amplified.


If you have diabetes, nausea can be a sign of something more serious. Knowing the potential causes and how to treat or prevent this uncomfortable side effect is key to keeping your diabetes management on track.