When you have diabetes, life becomes all about regulating your blood sugar to stay healthy. And while many must turn to medication and insulin injections, there is evidence to suggest that drinking green tea could make diabetes management easier.
几项研究指出,绿茶是控制糖尿病的潜在有效方法,甚至可以提高胰岛素敏感性。它的工作原理并不完全清楚,但它相信茶中的儿茶素 - 也负责其
When you eat foods with carbohydrates, they are digested into sugar. In response, the胰腺releases insulin to help cells absorb glucose to be used as fuel. However, when you have diabetes, the process is hindered.
有人type 2 diabetes具有脱敏胰岛素的细胞,称为胰岛素抵抗。这是胰腺通常停止释放足够的胰岛素的事实,使其血糖水平难以控制。
1型糖尿病is an autoimmune disease; the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin are attacked and killed by the body’s immune system, and simply do not produce insulin at all.
8 Essential Benefits of Green Tea »
Most studies on the effects of green tea in people with diabetes have focused on type 2 diabetes, as it is more common, accounting for 90 to 95 percent of the diabetes seen in the United States.
ThePacific College of Oriental Medicinesuggests that the antioxidant activity of polyphenols and polysaccharides are to credit for these benefits. These same antioxidants
Teabags are just fine (loose leaf is best), but if you want to enjoy a fresher, green flavor, you can buy traditional matcha green tea online and in specialty shops. Matcha is a green tea powder, traditionally used in Chinese tea ceremonies. It is prepared with a small bowl and bamboo whisk, though a spoon or wire whisk can work in a pinch. Because the tea is more concentrated in a matcha powder, you may reap additional benefits over bagged green tea.