Excessive thirst is one of the first clues that you might have diabetes. It’s a result of the blood sugar imbalance caused by the condition. Learn how to recognize diabetes thirst and get rid of it, too.

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Photography by Aya Brackett



  • you’re not drinking enough water
  • 你出汗太多了
  • 您吃了很咸或辣的东西


This article details why you feel so thirsty when you have diabetes. We also look at how to treat excessive thirst in diabetes. With the right daily medical treatment and care, you can prevent or reduce this symptom.

过度口渴是您可能患有糖尿病的第一个迹象之一。口渴,必须urinate more frequently than your baseline是由血液中过多的糖(葡萄糖)引起的。

When you have diabetes, your body can’t use sugars from food properly. This causes sugar to collect in your blood.High blood sugar levels为了ce your kidneys to go into overdrive to get rid of the extra sugar.

The kidneys need to make more urine to help pass extra sugar from your body. You’ll likely have to urinate more and havea higher volume of urine




Glucose从食物中必须进入您的细胞,在那里可以燃烧能量。将葡萄糖载入细胞的唯一方法是通过激素胰岛素。Without insulin to transport it, glucose stays in your blood.

Type 1 diabetes is an自身免疫性状况这阻止了您的身体制作胰岛素。这种类型的糖尿病会影响任何年龄的人,包括儿童。

Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 and usually affects adults. If you have type 2 diabetes, your body can still make insulin. You may not make enough insulin, though, or your body may not be able to use it properly. This is called胰岛素抵抗



People with type 2 diabetes may not have any symptoms for many years.症状可能是温和的,慢慢变得更糟。


Currently, there’s no cure for diabetes.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you’ll need insulin infusions or injections. You may also need to take other medications.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes includes medications that help your body make more insulin or use insulin better. You may need to take insulin, too.

您也可以使用严格控制的饮食,,,,regular exercise,根本没有药物。但是,糖尿病是一种进行性疾病,您可能会在以后的生活中需要药物。


以及正确的日常饮食nd exercise, you may need to take one or morediabetes medications

二甲双胍(Fortamet, Glumetza) is the first-line treatment. It belongs to a class of drugs known as biguanides.

Other classes of medications can be taken along with metformin, including:

  • 胰高血糖素样肽-1受体激动剂(GLP-1受体激动剂)
  • sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2 inhibitors)
  • sulfonylureas
  • thiazolidinediones

Your doctor can help you manage your diabetes. Be sure to:




  • 每顿饭前后都使用家用显示器跟踪您的血糖水平。
  • 保留记录日常血糖水平的记录。
  • 每周制定日常饮食计划。
  • Eatbalanced meals,重点是新鲜水果和蔬菜。
  • 添加大量纤维饮食。
  • Schedule time forexercise每天。
  • 跟踪您的步骤to ensure you’re walking enough every day.
  • 如果可以的话,请考虑加入健身房或getting a fitness buddyto motivate you to exercise more.
  • 保持适中的体重。
  • 记录您的任何症状。

The best glucose monitors and meters


If you experience excessive thirst or other symptoms, you may have diabetes, or your diabetes may not be well-managed.



Fasting tests include the fasting blood glucose test and theoral glucose tolerance test。The fasting blood glucose test can be performed on its own or as part of the oral glucose tolerance test.

非禁食的血液检查包括hemoglobin A1c test



