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Ivan Gener/Stocksy United

What’s the connection between diabetes and stroke?

Diabetes can increase your risk for many health conditions, including stroke. In general, people with diabetes are1.5次比没有糖尿病的人更可能患有中风。

Diabetes affects the body’s ability to create胰岛素或正确使用它。因为胰岛素发挥了破碎岩体nt role in pulling glucose into cells from the bloodstream, people withdiabetes经常留给糖太多in their blood. Over time, this excess sugar can contribute to the buildup of clots or fat deposits inside vessels that supply blood to the脖子一个ndbrain。这个过程称为动脉粥样硬化。


中风is a condition in which blood vessels in the brain are damaged. Strokes are characterized by a number of factors, including the size of the damaged blood vessel, where in the brain blood vessels have been damaged, and what event actually caused the damage.

The main类型中风是缺血性中风,,,,出血中风,,,,一个ndtransient ischemic attack (TIA)

Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. It occurs when an artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain is blocked, most often by a血块。关于 87% 根据疾病控制和预防中心,中风是缺血性中风。


当大脑中的动脉泄漏或破裂时,出血性中风发生。大约 15 percent 根据国家中风协会的说法,中风是出血性中风。出血性中风可能非常严重,并导致约40%与中风相关的死亡。


Tia有时被称为Ministroke因为流向大脑的血液被阻塞了较短的时间,并且不会导致永久性神经损伤。TIA是缺血性的,可能会持续一分钟到几个小时 - 直到动脉堵塞自身重新开放。您不应该忽略它,也应该认为它是一个警告。人们经常将TIA称为“警告中风”。

认识到体征和症状中风是在为时已晚之前获得帮助的第一步。为了帮助人们记住如何识别中风,美国中风协会认可助记符快速地,,,,which stands for:

Other symptoms that can signal a stroke include sudden:

如果你think you’re experiencing a stroke, call 911 or your local emergency services immediately.中风是一种威胁生命的状况。

Medical风险因素For stroke include:


Lifestyle risk factors include:

中风的风险随着年龄的增长而增加,几乎doublingFor each decade over the age of 55. Race plays a part in stroke risk as well, with African-Americans having a greater risk of death from stroke than Caucasians. Gender also factors into the equation, withwomen经历比men。Also, having a stroke,心脏病发作,或者TIA增加了您再次中风的风险。



Change your diet

高血压一个ndhigh cholesterolcan increase your risk of stroke. You might be able to reduce your血压一个nd胆固醇levels by making changes to your diet. Try the following nutrition tips:


Exercising每周五次或更多次可以帮助您降低中风的风险。任何运动让你的身体移动is good exercise. A daily, brisk walk can lower your risk of stroke and improve your mood in general.


如果你smoke,,,,t一个lk to your doctor aboutsmoking cessation programs或您可以做的其他事情来帮助您戒烟。吸烟的人的中风风险是 double 那些不吸烟的人。

最有效的方法quit smokingis to just stop. If that’s not for you, consider asking your doctor about the various aids that are available to help you kick the habit.


如果你drink alcohol, try to limit your intake to no more than two drinks per day if you’re a man or one drink per day if you’re a woman. Researchers have 链接 regularly drinking large quantities of alcohol to an increased risk of stroke.

Take your medication as prescribed.



  • Work with your doctor to manage your diabetes and other stroke risk factors, such as hypertension and high cholesterol.
  • 限制您的饮酒。
  • 如果你smoke, quit.
  • 保持healthy diet
  • 添加regular exercise到你的例行程序。

如果你think you’re having a stroke, seek emergency help right away.