尽管finger stick monitors have long been a mainstay in diabetes management, pricking your finger to obtain a blood sample several times a day can be painful and time-consuming.

Even so, it’s still extremely important for those with diabetes to keep tabs ontheir blood sugar readings。每天的次数取决于您的个人诊断和医生规定的治疗计划。

Many things, such as stress, illness, and exercise, can also impact your blood sugar throughout the day.

As such, many are looking for alternatives to make the process easier. In the last few years, there have been several new technologies to help in the development of blood sugar monitors without finger pricks.

Read on to learn more about which types of blood sugar monitors do not involve finger sticks and how to talk with your doctor about whether these noninvasive options are right for you.



一个良好的第一步是检查你的insurance company to see which monitors are covered in part or in full. Knowing your price range can make things easier by helping narrow your search. Since you’re likely to go through multiple test strips per day, this is also a good time to check whether your insurance plan covers test strips.


准确性is critical when choosing a glucose monitor. After all, your insulin dose and treatment options depend on what the results say.


Data display

Data display is essential as you need to be able to see the numbers on the screen. If you have vision problems, a larger screen or a monitor that comes equipped with audio capability to “say” the results out loud can be helpful.



Since you’re likely going to be using your device several times per day, having a device that’s easy to use is helpful. If the device is too complicated (e.g., requires coding or is too long to read), you’re less likely to use it.




Additional features

Certain features make a monitor easier and more fun to use, like Bluetooth connectivity or storage capacity. For example, if you prefer recording your readings on the device instead of writing them down, there are currently plenty of options.

You can also find a device that comes with time and date stamps for a better look at health patterns.


The FreeStyle Libre received FDA approval in 2017 用于糖尿病的成年人。它不需要手指式血液样本。取而代之的是,该仪表从皮肤下方的间隙液中读取葡萄糖。

The FreeStyle Libre works via a sensor you wear on the back of your upper arm, which you apply every 14 days. To read your glucose numbers, you wave the monitor in front of the sensor.


The original Libre system does not come with alarms to alert you when your blood sugar is too low or too high. However, the Libre 2 systemdoes具有这些功能。

虽然Libre适用于成人,但Libre 2可能适合儿童。请注意,现在有一个Libre 3系统,该系统已被欧洲糖尿病患者批准使用。

尽管users enjoy the ability to check their blood glucose without the use of finger pricks, there are reports of inaccurate numbers 。您还可能会因应用传感器而感到皮肤刺激。

了解有关自由式Libre 2的更多信息。


Eversense是一种由Saneonons制造的皮下植入物,是市场上CGM的另一种类型。它是 FDA于2019年批准 for people with diabetes.


It measures your glucose in your interstitial fluids every 5 minutes and sends the data to your smartphone. The sensor works for up to 90 days at a time.

与自由泳不同,您必须获得Eversense在您的医生办公室设置, where they will insert the subcutaneous device for you. This could potentially be problematic if you aren’t able to see your doctor every 90 days.

一个报告的缺点is the Eversense CGM’s sensitivity to direct sunlight. This is an important consideration to talk about with your doctor before determining the ideal insertion site.

在此处了解有关Eversense CGM的更多信息。

Dexcom G6 CGM

The Dexcom G6 received FDA approval in 2018 。It’s intended to work with other diabetes devices, including insulin pumps, dosing meters, and more. This CGM is designed for people ages 2 years and older.

Dexcom G6由您在腹部区域皮肤表面下方佩戴的传感器组成。它一次持续10天,也具有防水性。传感器每5分钟将您的葡萄糖信息传输到智能设备,包括手机,手表和平板电脑。

总体而言,用户报告了Dexcom G6的准确结果,但他们不喜欢10天后必须更改传感器的必要性。

Learn more about the Dexcom G6 CGM.

Guardian Connect System

2018年获得FDA的批准,Guardian Connect Systemis a CGM made by Medtronic, a company that also makes insulin pumps.

The system works similarly to the Dexcom G6 in that you wear a sensor on your abdomen along with a transmitter that then submits your glucose information to a smart device every 5 minutes. You can also wear this device on your arm, similar to the FreeStyle Libre.

Unlike other CGMs, the Guardian Connect focuses on“time in range” data为了更好地了解他们一次达到理想的葡萄糖范围的时间。但是,Guardian Connect仅批准14岁以上的人。

Learn more about the Guardian Connect System.




One major downside to the D-Base model is its size. It’s a stationary shoebox-size device, which makes it difficult to carry around. It’s also not yet ready for purchase. Development is still ongoing on this and several other glucose products made by the company, such as a D-Sensor that’s going to be embedded into watches or fitness bands.


Other meters being developed

Besides the above four CGMs, other meters are being developed that do not require blood samples. One such CGM is calledGlucoTrackby Integrity Applications, which measures blood glucose via your earlobe. However, it hasn’t yet been FDA approved.

Other types of technologies may be seen soon to help improve diabetes management without the need for finger pricks. However, standalone smartwatches, contact lenses, and other buzzworthy devices haven’t yet proven to accurately measure blood glucose.



  • Always wash your hands with soap and water before checking your glucose for a more accurate result. Do not use hand sanitizer before doing finger sticks.
  • If inserting a sensor into your skin for a CGM, be sure to wash the area of skin with soap and water and allow it to dry first.
  • Call your doctor if you experience skin irritation or discomfort from your sensor that lasts longer than a day.
  • Change any sensors by the recommended manufacturer time — for example, every 14 days for the FreeStyle Libre and every 10 days for the Dexcom G6.
  • If using finger strips, you may experience less pain by using the side of your fingertip closer to your fingernail.
  • Even if you’re using a CGM, you may consider having a traditional meter on hand to double-check your glucose readings. This is in case you experience symptoms of high or low blood sugar despite a normal reading.



Are noninvasive glucose meters effective?

Noninvasive glucose meters such as CGMs are considered both convenient and effective, though they may not be as accurate when compared with traditional meters.

Is there a smartwatch that monitors blood sugar?

一些CGM具有连接到和downloading blood glucose information到您的智能手表。但是,请务必记住,没有一种智能手表可以直接测量您的血糖。

CGMrequire a doctor’s prescription and are typically covered by private health insurance as well asMedicare。Depending on your plan, you may still have out-of-pocket costs. Keep in mind that insurance companies may be less willing to cover meters that have additional features that aren’t considered necessities.

If you don’t have insurance, you can still obtain a prescription for a CGM. It’s estimated that CGMs cost每月至少$ 100没有保险。

You may ask the pharmacist or manufacturer about possible coupons and discounts to help offset the costs.

尽管traditional blood glucose meters保持标准状态,不断开发无创选择,以使检查血糖更加容易且疼痛。

If you’re looking for a blood sugar monitor without finger pricks, a noninvasive CGM can also measure your glucose. Depending on the type of meter you choose, you may have to wear a sensor on different areas of the body and switch it out after a certain amount of time.

与您的医生谈谈您的担忧血糖监测, and whether a noninvasive meter may better fit your needs.