苦瓜(也称为苦瓜·布兰蒂亚or bitter gourd) is a plant that gets its name from its taste. It becomes more and more bitter as it ripens.



Bitter melon is considered a complementary or alternative medicine. Therefore, the use of bitter melon isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of diabetes or any other medical condition.


The consumption of bitter melon can help your cells use glucose and move it to your liver, muscles, and fat. The melon may also be able to help your body retain nutrients by blocking their conversion to glucose that ends up in your blood stream.

苦瓜不是批准的治疗或药物prediabetesor糖尿病despite the evidence that it can manage blood sugar.

几项研究已经检查了苦瓜和印度betes. Most recommend conducting more research before using any form of the melon for diabetes management.


  • A report in the Cochrane系统评价数据库 得出结论,需要更多的研究来测量苦瓜对2型糖尿病的影响。它还引用了更多关于如何用于营养治疗的研究。
  • 一项研究 民族科医生学杂志 比较了苦瓜与当前糖尿病药物的有效性。该研究得出结论,苦瓜确实将果糖胺水平降低,2型糖尿病参与者。然而,它比已经批准的药物的较低剂量效果如此较低。

There’s no medically approved way to consume bitter melon as a treatment for diabetes at this time. Bitter melon may be eaten as part of a healthy and varied diet. Consuming bitter melon beyond your dinner plate may pose risks.

As a fruit that also has properties of a vegetable, bitter melon contains vitamins A and C as well as iron. It has been recognized by many cultures as having medicinal value.

There are no standard dosages for bitter melon as a medical treatment at this time.


You shouldn’t use bitter melon as a supplement without consulting your doctor.



  • diarrhea,呕吐和其他肠问题
  • 阴道出血,收缩和堕胎
  • dangerous lowering of blood sugar if taken with insulin
  • 肝损害
  • favism (which can cause anemia) in those withG6PD deficiency
  • 由于与其他药物混合而导致的问题以改变有效性
  • 血糖控制中有近期手术的人

