
与工作有关的障碍不仅限于繁重的制造或建筑。它们可以发生在所有类型的行业和工作环境中,包括办公空间。研究showsthat repetitive motion, poor posture, and staying in the same position can cause or worsen musculoskeletal disorders.

Staying in one position while doing repetitive motions is typical of a desk job. An分析of job industry trends over the past 50 years revealed that at least 8 in 10 American workers are desk potatoes.


根据the梅奥诊所那more than four hours a day of screen time can increase your risk of death by any cause by50%。还有一个125 percentrisk for cardiovascular disease.


Remember to breathe normally throughout the stretches, and never hold your breath. With each stretch, you may find yourself more flexible. Don’t go further than is comfortable.


  1. Raise your arm and bend it so that your hand reaches toward the opposite side.
  2. Use your other hand and pull the elbow toward your head.
  3. 保持10到30秒。
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Overhead reach, or latissimus stretch

  1. 延长每个臂开销。
  2. 到达对面。
  3. 保持10到30秒。
  4. Repeat on the other side.


  1. 扣在头顶上方用手掌向外。
  2. Push your arms up, stretching upward.
  3. 将姿势保持10到30秒。


  1. 钩住后面的手。
  2. Push the chest outward, and raise the chin.
  3. 将姿势保持10到30秒。

Forward stretch

This stretch is also known as the rhomboid upper or upper back stretch.

  1. 把手抓到你面前,并用你的手臂沿着你的头部降低。
  2. Press forward and hold for 10 to 30 seconds.

Torso stretch, or trunk rotation

  1. 保持脚部牢牢地靠在地上,面向前面。
  2. Twist your upper body in the direction of the arm that’s resting on the back of your chair.
  3. 保持姿势10到30秒。
  4. Repeat on other side.


Hip and knee flexion stretch

  1. 一次拥抱一个膝盖,把它拉到你的胸前。
  2. 将姿势保持10到30秒。
  3. 备用。

Hamstrings stretch

  1. 剩下的坐着,向外延伸一条腿。
  2. 朝向你的脚趾。
  3. 保持10到30秒。
  4. Repeat on the other side.



  1. 立即向耳朵提升两只肩膀。
  2. Drop them and repeat 10 times each direction.

Neck stretches

  1. Relax and lean your head forward.
  2. Slowly roll toward one side and hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Repeat on other side.
  4. 再次放松并将下巴抬回到起始位置。
  5. Do this three times for each direction.


  1. Gently pull your head toward each shoulder until a light stretch is felt.
  2. Hold the pose for 10 to 15 seconds.
  3. 每侧交替一次。

一种review在工作场所的伸展节目发现,延伸了改进的运动范围,姿势和提供了应力浮雕。 研究 还表明,周期性的工作场所拉伸可能会降低疼痛高达72%。还有一些 studies 表明工作日的一些运动可以缓解身心压力。

近来,虽然仍然有限,但最近仍然有限 study found that rest breaks can minimize discomfort without compromising productivity.

所有这些伸展都是生产力的。目标是全天搬到新的位置,以避免重复的妊娠疫。根据The Harvard School of Public Health,physical activity — even for short periods of time — can improve your mood. You may experience benefits from:

  • standing up while on the phone or eating lunch
  • 获得一个灵活的常设桌子,以便您更改您的位置
  • walking laps during quick meetings
  • 每小时从座位上起床,在办公室周围散步

问问你的经理或人力资源部abo血型ut人类工程学的家具。你也可以下载拉伸那a break reminder app, that alerts you every hour to get up and move around a little. They even provide no-sweat exercise videos, if you can’t leave your desk.

Read more: Managing work-related stress »