皮炎是一般的术语skin inflammation。With dermatitis, your skin will typically look dry, swollen, and discolored. The causes of dermatitis vary between types. However, it’s not contagious.

Contact your doctor for an appointment if your skin is infected, painful, or uncomfortable, or if your dermatitis is widespread or isn’t getting better.

There are several different types of dermatitis. Some can last a long time, while others may cycle between flare-ups and periods of no symptoms. Some types of dermatitis are more common in children, and others are more common in adults.


人们通常将此称为湿疹。特应性皮炎 可以在家庭中运行 和usually develops during infancy. However, it can also develop in adulthood.

There is no cure foratopic dermatitis。People with the condition will typically experience symptoms in cycles of flare-ups, and periods of little to no symptoms. During flare-ups, patches of skin may appear rough, dry, and itchy.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitishappens when a substance touches your skin and causes an adverse reaction. These reactions can develop into rashes that burn, sting, itch, or blister.

Contact dermatitis may be the result of an allergic or an irritant reaction. In irritant contact dermatitis an outside substance directly damages the skin and causes a reaction.

Meanwhile, in allergic contact dermatitis, the outside substance may not directly damage the skin but will cause your immune system toreact in a waythat does so.

Dyshidrotic dermatitis

Indyshidrotic dermatitis,皮肤无法保护自己。这导致瘙痒,干燥的皮肤,通常伴随着小型水疱。它主要发生在脚和手上,也可能发生在这些地区大量出汗的人中。

Seborrheic dermatitis

People may refer toseborrheic dermatitisas cradle cap when it occurs in infants. This type of dermatitis is most common on the scalp, though it can also occur on the face, chest, and around the ears.



Other types

Some other types of dermatitis include:

  • Neurodermatitis.这个类型involves an itchy patch of skin, often triggered by stress or something irritating the skin.
  • Nummular dermatitis.Nummular dermatitisinvolves oval sores on the skin, often occurring after a skin injury. Nummular means “coin-like.”
  • 瘀滞皮炎。这个类型涉及皮肤变化poor blood circulation。It can cause skin discoloration in the lower extremities and may even cause the skin to thicken in texture.
  • Dermatitis neglecta.Dermatitis neglectaresults from the accumulation of sebum, sweat, corneocytes, and bacteria in a localized area of skin, forming a compact and adherent crust of dirt.

The symptoms of dermatitis range from mild to severe and will look different depending on what part of the body is affected. Symptoms will vary on the type of dermatitis causing them, although they can often bedifficultto distinguish.

In general, the symptoms of dermatitis may include:

  • rashes
  • blisters
  • dry, cracked skin
  • itchy skin
  • painful skin, with stinging or burning
  • swelling

Dermatitis also causes skin discoloration. However, this willappear differentlyon different skin tones.

On darker skin, dermatitis rashes will typically appear gray, purple, or a shade darker than your normal skin tone. On lighter skin, dermatitis patches will typically appear pink or red.

The causes of dermatitis vary depending on the type. However, environmental triggers can often be the reason for specific flare-ups.


Common triggers that cause dermatitis to flare include:

  • stress
  • hormonal changes
  • the environment
  • irritating substances

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitisoccurswhen you come in direct contact with an irritant or allergen. Common materials that cause allergic reactions include:



Triggers of atopic dermatitis vary between people, but stress, irritants, and hormonal changes arecommonfactors. Other factors that can trigger atopic dermatitis include an increased intake of sugar, dairy, and red meat in some cases.

A family history of atopic dermatitis can also增加your chance of developing the condition.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown. However, it可能是结果of an inflammatory reaction to Malassezia yeast, a naturally occurring organism on the skin.

Certain conditions can increase your risk of seborrheic dermatitis. These include:

  • HIV
  • psoriasis
  • epilepsy
  • rosacea
  • Parkinson’s disease

Seborrheic dermatitis can first occur during puberty for many people and can be worse during this time.



Typically, small valves in your blood veins will weaken, reducing your blood flow back to the heart, and causing fluid to build up in your extremities. This fluid then causes swelling around the affected area. Stasis dermatitis then occurs in these areas of swollen skin.

Because poor blood flow is most common in the lower legs, this is the mostcommon瘀滞性皮炎。然而,它可能发生nywhere.

治疗s for dermatitis depend on the type, severity of symptoms, and cause. Many types of dermatitis will clear up on their own. For example, contact dermatitis willoften improveonce you are no longer in contact with known irritants.

However, if your dermatitis doesn’t improve naturally, your doctor or dermatologist mayrecommend:

Doctors willtypically recommendantibiotics or antifungal medications only if an infection has developed. Infections can occur when the skin is broken due to intense scratching.

Home care for dermatitis may include applying cool, wet cloths to the skin to help reduce itching and discomfort. You can try addingbaking sodato a cool bath to help reduce symptoms. If your skin is broken, you can cover the wound with a dressing or bandage to prevent irritation or infection.

当你压力时,皮炎有时会爆发。替代疗法可能有所帮助reducing stress。Examples include:

Learn more about the link between stress and atopic dermatitis here.

Dietary changes, like avoiding foods that trigger a reaction, may help you manage eczema symptoms. In some cases, dietary supplements likevitamin D益生菌can help as well, but talk with your doctor first if your considering making changes to your treatment plan.

Factors that increase your chances of getting dermatitis include:

  • age
  • the environment
  • family history
  • health conditions
  • allergies
  • asthma

一些因素会比其他因素增加某种类型的皮炎的风险。例如,频繁洗涤和干燥的手可能会增加你的机会developingcontact dermatitis.

在做出诊断之前,您的医生将进行体检并讨论您的病史。在某些情况下,一个dermatologistcan diagnose the type of dermatitis just by looking at the skin.

If there’s reason to suspect you might have anallergic reactionto something, your doctor might do askin patch test。You can also ask for one yourself.

In a skin patch test, your doctor will put small amounts of different substances on your skin. After a few days, they’ll check for reactions and determine whether you might be allergic to certain substances.

In some cases, your dermatologist may perform askin biopsy帮助弄清楚原因。皮肤活组织检查涉及您的医生去除受影响皮肤的小样本,并在显微镜下看它。

Other tests can be done on the skin sample to help determine the cause of your dermatitis.

Awareness is the first step in avoiding dermatitis. The only way to prevent an allergic reaction is toavoid contactwith allergens or substances that cause rashes.

But if you have eczema — which is not always preventable — flare-up prevention is important.

To prevent flare-ups:

  • Try to avoid scratching the affected area. Scratching can open or reopen wounds and spread the bacteria to other parts of your body.
  • To helpprevent dry skin,考虑采取较短的浴,使用温和的肥皂,并在温水中沐浴而不是热。大多数人也发现频繁的滋润(特别是在淋浴后)的浮雕。
  • Use water-based moisturizers after washing hands and oil-based moisturizers for extremely dry skin.

While dermatitis isn’t often serious, scratching hard or too frequently can lead to open sores and infections. Though this can cause infections to spread, they rarely become life threatening.

治疗can help prevent or manage potential flare-ups. It might take some time to figure out the right treatment or combination of treatments, but it can be done.