Depression and Sexual Health

Despite social stigma, depression is a very common illness. According to the 疾病预防与控制中心 (CDC),大约20岁的美国人在12岁以上有某种形式的抑郁症。虽然这吧 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports a higher prevalence in women, the fact is that depression can develop in anyone, and at any age. The types of depression include:

  • persistent depressive disorder (symptoms last for two years)
  • psychotic depression
  • 重度抑郁症
  • 躁郁症
  • postpartum depression (occurs in women after having a baby)
  • seasonal affective disorder (occurs during the winter months)
  • depression coupled with anxiety disorders

对于那些受影响的人,抑郁症意味着不仅仅是感觉蓝 - 它会导致一系列症状,包括性健康问题。了解有关抑郁和性功能障碍之间的联系,以及您可以做些什么。

Both men and women can experience difficulties with initiating and enjoying sex because of depression. Still, there are some differences in the ways depression affects women and men.


According to the NIMH ,妇女的抑郁率较高,与激素变化相连。这就是女性抑郁症风险可能会增加的原因:

  • before and during menstruation
  • 后childbirth
  • 杂耍工作,家庭和家庭生活
  • 在全身期间和更年期期间

女性are the most likely to experience persistent “bluesy” feelings that can make them feel less confident and less worthy. These feelings can drastically change your overall sex life.



焦虑,低自尊和内疚是勃起功能障碍的常见原因。这些都是抑郁症的症状,但这些问题也可以自然地发生压力和年龄。这 NIMH explains that men are also more likely to lose interest in activities during depression. This could also mean that men might not find sex as appealing.


In both men and women, having troubles with sexual health can worsen feelings of worthlessness and other depression symptoms. This in turn can cause a vicious cycle of both worsening depression and性功能障碍。

Chemical imbalances in the brain cause depression These can occur on their own as a result of genetics and hormonal issues. Depression can also coexist with other illnesses. No matter the exact cause of depression, it can result in numerous physical and emotional symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of depression include:

  • persistent sadness
  • 曾经爱过的活动缺乏兴趣
  • 内疚和绝望
  • insomnia and fatigue
  • irritability and anxiety
  • weakness, aches, and pains
  • sexual dysfunction
  • 浓度困难
  • weight loss or gain (usually from changes in eating habits)
  • suicidal disposition


Sexual desire is cultivated in the brain, and sex organs rely on chemicals in the brain to promote libido as well as the changes in blood flow needed for the sexual act. When depression disrupts these brain chemicals, it can make sexual activity more difficult. This may be worse in older adults who already have occasional problems with sexual dysfunction.

It is also not just the depression itself that may interfere with sexual health. In fact, antidepressants — the most common forms of medical treatment for depression — can often have unwanted sexual side effects. The most common culprits are:

  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
  • 选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂(SSRIS)
  • 四环素和三环药物

治疗抑郁症只是一种方式,你可以克服性功能障碍。事实上,根据一项发表的一项研究American Family Physician,70%的成年人面临抑郁症的未经治疗患有性欲的问题。感觉很好,可以帮助你回到正常的性生活。


Aside from additions and adjustments within conventional depression treatment, there are other steps you can take which may improve overall sexual health:

  • Take antidepressant dose从事性爱。
  • Ask your provider about adding a medication for sexual function (such as Viagra for men).
  • Exercise regularly to improve mood and physical well-being.
  • 与你的伴侣谈谈你的抑郁如何影响你的性健康。开放式沟通可能不会自动解决问题,但它可以帮助缓解内疚和无价值的感觉。


同样重要的是要记住,着sion and sexual dysfunction can go hand in hand, there are also a variety of factors that can cause problems with sexual health.