As someone with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder, I feel like I have been on a lifelong quest to take better care of myself. I have heard the term “self-care” casually tossed around for years and, until recently, it was pretty elusive for me.

虽然我知道我需要 - 并希望 - 更加富有同情心,我不确定如何实际开始做出积极的变化。当我在深沉的萧条或抓住焦虑发作的时候,我觉得能够成为一个主要的生活方式大修。我希望有人递给我一个如何对自己善待的手册,因为我不知道从哪里开始。



自我保健不是所有花式的水疗或放松的假期。虽然我喜欢按摩或海洋散步,但实际上我需要更好地照顾我通常在家里,在汽车,在车上,工作,或与家人和朋友一起出去。令人沮丧的是,精神疾病是我生命中的一部分,所以我需要发展我可以全天使用的应对技巧。使这个视角转变 - 从外面看看自我照顾,也看着里面 - 在我培养的技能和自我意识,我可以用来应对我的日常环境中的抑郁和焦虑。


当我的焦虑开始建立时,我的呼吸变得迅速和浅浅。我感到身体紧张,特别是在我的肩膀和下巴。采取一系列深呼吸有助于让我暂停和走出我的赛车思想。吸入和呼气给了我一个情感释放,它也有助于我身体。深呼吸增加循环,释放内啡肽,放松肌肉。我全天都在呼吸,而不仅仅是当我开始感到焦虑或沮丧时。我喜欢深呼吸的是我可以在任何地方做 - 在淋浴,在车里,在我的桌子上,甚至在谈话时。无论我在做什么,我都可以给自己一个10秒的休息。

我抑郁症的一种症状是消极的思考。我争取自我批评,这绝对翻译成如何查看我的身体外观。当我在镜子中抓住我的反射时,我的本能就是把自己放下。你有更多的体重吗?你看起来很恶心。你永远不会变形。I want to treat myself with more kindness, so I am making a concerted effort to change these thoughts. When my harsh inner monologue kicks in, I tell myself that it’s OK to be frustrated about my appearance. I acknowledge my feelings as real and valid without turning them inward. Then I try to notice one thing that Idolike about myself, whether it’s a small detail of how I look, or something compassionate I did that day. While it doesn’t always feel natural to look for something positive, the good news is I can tell that a shift is beginning to take place.

治疗师曾经引用过我的头部的“负胶带”,她无法更好地描述。多年来,我没有注意到有多内疚,羞耻和认知扭曲影响我如何与自己交谈。在整个一天,我有一个奔跑的内在独白告诉我我是不可爱的,不够做,并且应该努力尝试 - 无论我做得多么努力或者我被爱多少。改变我和自己如何交谈的第一步就变得了解。我开始注意到我经常把自己归咎于或审查我的行为。一旦我甚至在一天内批评自己有多少次批评自己。我开始对自己说,艾米,你再次这样做。离开否定消息。换个频道。我开始意识到我有一个选择:我可以告诉自己一些新的东西。我现在提出一致努力用肯定的陈述取代负面信息。我告诉自己,我做得很好,我是一个好朋友,最重要的是 - 我爱我是谁。


超时不只是为了孩子。我发现我can benefit from the same concept (minus sitting on the bottom step at my mom’s house). When I feel my anxiety or depression escalating, a tremendous pressure builds up inside of me. For a long time, I would stuff that feeling down and ignore it, hoping it would go away. Today, I practice self-care by acknowledging my symptoms and taking a time-out for myself. Sometimes, I need a short break, like a brief walk outside or deep breathing in a private room. If I’m with a colleague, I say something simple like, “I need to take a quick break for myself and will be right back in five or 10 minutes.” I honor my needs while communicating directly with the people around me. Taking these quick breaks prevents the pressure of my mental illness from building, and helps me determine what, if any, next steps I need to take to ensure my well-being.

抑郁症可以,令人沮丧。我觉得沉重,体重下来,乐趣通常是我脑海中的最后一件事。当我感觉健康时,很开心很容易 - 我不必将它建造在我的时间表中。但是,当我感到沮丧时,我一致努力每天做一件小事。它不必跳过雏菊的领域,只是一个让我带来一点点乐趣的那一刻。有时,我在烹饪晚餐时穿上我最喜欢的音乐和厨房跳舞。我买了一本成年的着色书,热爱了我看电影的时候填写照片。如果我的能量特别低,照明了一支漂亮的蜡烛,喝杯杯热茶感觉舒适。让自己可以感到乐趣,但我很好,因为我知道在某种程度上它会抬起我的灵魂并让我继续前进。

I’ve struggled with sleeping for years. Going without sleep ratchets up my stress level and strains my emotional health. Because I have trouble falling asleep, I stop doing any stressful or work-related activities by 8:00 pm. I try not to have social engagements on work nights because it’s hard to wind down afterward. Sometimes, I do a quick bedtime yoga routine (I’ve found some great free videos online). Next, I prepare myself a hot cup of herbal tea and head upstairs to bed. I give myself a good 30 minutes to read before the time I would like to fall asleep, and I avoid getting on the computer or looking at email. If my thoughts are racing, I write down what I am thinking about in a notebook. When I’m ready to snooze I flip on my noise machine, which helps me fall asleep. While this routine takes self-discipline, the benefit of a good night’s sleep is worth it.

I tend to get trapped in my own thoughts and feelings. In therapy, I’ve learned how to use my senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound to shift my focus. Each of my five senses is important and engages different parts of my brain, and affects my mood. The simple act of feeding my senses brings me back into the present moment, making me feel more safe and grounded. I look outside — and really look — at the beauty of the trees and sky. I listen to music, which can soothe or energize me, depending on what I need to hear. I try new recipes so that I can experience different flavors and engage my sense of taste. I use touch to calm down by petting my dog. When I wash the dishes, I focus on how the water and soap feel on my hands. I love using essential oils to cope with anxiety — I carry a bottle of lavender oil in my purse and if I begin to feel afraid or unsettled, I pull it out and breathe in the aroma 10 times.

发展这10个自我护理行为一直是旅程,今天继续。充满爱心的挑战性(和乐趣)方面是它是一个个人的过程。我不得不探索最适合我的东西,我继续学习治疗,从朋友和书籍和在线 - 关于我可以好好照顾自己的新方法。这些工具中的每一个都让我想起,我可以应对精神疾病,并且我总是可以选择如何处理我的症状。每次我选择自我照顾我都用两个重要的事实重新联系:我应该爱自己,确实是值得的。

艾米马洛is living with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and is the author of蓝色浅蓝色,它被评为我们的一个最好的抑郁博客。跟着她在推特上@_bluelightblue_