
This therapy involves using magnetic pulses to target specific areas of the brain. People have been using it since 1985 to relieve the intense sadness and feelings of hopelessness that can come with depression.


The FDA approved rTMS to treat severe depression when other treatments (like medications and psychotherapy) haven’t achieved enough effect.

Sometimes, doctors may combine rTMS with traditional treatments, includingantidepressants

You may benefit the most from rTMS if you meet the following criteria:

  • 您已经尝试了其他抑郁处理方法,例如至少一种抗抑郁药,无需成功。
  • 你的手术不够健康electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)。如果您有癫痫发作的历史或无法忍受良好的程序,这是真的。
  • 您目前尚未与物质或酒精使用问题挣扎。

If these sound like you, you may wish to talk to your doctor about rTMS. It’s important to note that rTMS isn’t a first line treatment, so you’ll have to try other things first.

This is a noninvasive procedure that usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes to perform.

Here’s what you can expect at a typical rTMS treatment session:

  • 在医生靠近您的头部附近的特殊电磁线圈,您将坐或斜倚,特别是调节心情的大脑区域。
  • The coil generates magnetic pulses to your brain. The sensation isn’t painful, but it may feel like knocking or tapping on the head.
  • 这些脉冲在神经细胞中产生电流。
  • You can resume your regular activities (including driving) after rTMS.


Pain isn’t usually a side effect of rTMS, but some people report mild discomfort with the procedure. The electromagnetic pulses can cause muscles in the face to tighten or tingle.


  • 灯头的感觉
  • 由于有时响亮的磁铁噪音,临时听力问题
  • mild headaches
  • 刺痛在脸上,下巴或头皮


医生可以提供几种可能有助于治疗抑郁症的脑刺激疗法。而rtms是一个,另一个是electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

等涉及把电极放在战略领域of the brain and generating an electric current that essentially causes a seizure to occur in the brain.

Doctors perform the procedure under general anesthesia, which means you’re asleep and unaware of your surroundings. Doctors also give you a muscle relaxant, which keeps you from shaking during the stimulation portion of the treatment.

This differs from rTMS because people receiving rTMS don’t have to receive sedation medications, which can reduce the risks for potential side effects.


When the rTMS coil is held over a certain area of the brain, the impulses travel only to that part of the brain. ECT doesn’t target specific areas.


Other conditions and symptoms doctors may use ECT to treat include:



  • aneurysm clips or coils
  • bullet fragments or shrapnel near the head
  • 心脏起搏器或可植入的心脏过热器除颤器(ICD)
  • facial tattoos that have magnetic ink or ink that’s sensitive to magnets
  • implanted stimulators
  • metal implants in the ears or eyes
  • 颈部或大脑的支架

A doctor should conduct a thorough examination and take a medical history before using the therapy. It’s really important to disclose any of these potential risk factors to keep you safe.



虽然治疗成本可能因位置而异,但平均成本可能是 $230 to $334 per treatment session.

Medicare typically reimburses rTMS at an average of $206 per session 。一个人每年可能有20到30个或更多的治疗课程。

Another study suggests that a person may pay between $6,000 and $12,000 annually for rTMS treatments. While this price tag may seem high when considering a year at a time, the treatment may be cost effective when compared with using other depression treatments that don’t work well.


Doctors will create an individual prescription for a person when it comes to treatment. However, most people will go to treatment sessions that last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes about 5 times a week.


A number of research trials and clinical reviews have been written on rTMS. Some of the results include:

  • A2018 study发现通过增加他们的Theta和alpha脑力活动来回应RTM的人更有可能改善他们的情绪。这个小型人类研究可以帮助预测谁可能对RTMS最响应。
  • A 2019年共识建议书 发现治疗适合那些抑郁症的人medication resistantand who also have significant anxiety.
  • A 2015 critical review found rTMS in combination with ECT could minimize the number of needed ECT sessions and allow a person to get maintenance treatments with rTMS after an initial round of ECT treatment. This combination approach could help to reduce the adverse effects of ECT.
  • A 2019 literature review found rTMS is effective for treatment after one medication trial has worked well in treating major depressive disorder.
