Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment involving exposure to an artificial light source.

The therapy primarily treatsmajor depressive disorder (MDD)带有季节性图案(以前称为季节性情绪失调, or SAD).

This is a type of depression that occurs during a certain time of year, usually in the wintertime when there’s less daylight. Light can also be used to treat other conditions, including sleep disorders and other types of depression.

The research 在光疗中给出了一些原因,使得它可以改善抑郁症状。Reasons include that it:

  • works on your biological clock by aligning your brain’s 24-hour cycle (aka circadian rhythm)
  • 平衡激活5-羟色胺circuitry in your brain, which is a key component in mood regulation
  • contributes to stable and consistent sleep patterns
  • increases alertness


昼夜节律are cycles of important body functions that happen over a 24-hour cycle and can 影响 hormones, sleep schedules, and eating habits.

光线疗法补偿缺乏接触to sunlight that may contribute to major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns.

During a session, you sit near alight box or lamp,发出明亮的光。盒子或灯通常模仿自然阳光,但是不同制造商制造的设备之间可能会有变化。

轻疗盒的标准输出在2,500–10,000 lux。一个lux is a measure of light brightness.

Treatments usually begin in the fall and continue until early spring. The length of the session depends on how well you handle the treatment and the strength of the light box.


Side effects

Some people shouldn’t use light therapy, especially those who:

  • 有使眼睛对光敏感的医疗状况
  • 服用药物,例如某些抗生素或抗精神病药,以提高光敏度


Some peoplemay also experienceeuphoria or irritability, which is a sign to stop using the device and speak with a doctor.

For those who can use light therapy, there are still potential side effects. Usually, these can be dealt with by adjusting the duration, intensity, or timing of the sessions.

Side effects may include:

  • 头痛
  • eyestrain
  • 搅动
  • irritability
  • 睡眠问题
  • fatigue
  • blurry vision

You can discuss these side effects with a doctor, but you may also find relief through some simple changes. Avoid using the lamp before bedtime to prevent insomnia, and place the light box further away from you to prevent eyestrain and headaches.

In addition to the possible benefits for improving depression symptoms, light therapy is generally easy to start and adjust according to how it makes you feel.

Light therapy is:

  • 一个ccessible.The treatment can be done at home using rented or purchased light boxes.
  • Noninvasive.It provides an alternative or add-on to medical interventions like medications, but is not taken internally.
  • 安全的。尽管有一些可能的副作用,尤其是当灯使用错误时,光疗通常是安全且低风险的。
  • 方便的。You can use a light therapy lamp at home, while you read or eat breakfast. You can also stop light therapy for a few days without adverse effects or the return of symptoms.
  • 与很少或轻度的副作用相关。可以通过调整使用灯的方式来预防光线疗法的大多数副作用,例如头痛,头晕或恶心。

Light therapy also has potential uses beyond MDD季节性模式,但它总是进口ant to discuss starting any new therapy with your doctor.

The negative aspects of light therapy are the side effects and complications that can occur. These include:

Insurance may not cover the cost of a light therapy lamp, even if your doctor prescribes it. This expense can be a barrier for some people.

一个chieving results with a light therapy lamp takes time — at least a few days. Getting a benefit from the lamp requires consistent use at the same time every day.


虽然大多数研究都集中在轻松疗法上,以通过季节性模式治疗MDD,但学术研究已经 started to look 在其他情况下使用光疗法,包括其他情绪障碍和睡眠障碍

Dr. Carl Vincent, a psychologist in Moline, Illinois, suggests that light therapy be used with other treatments, such as psychotherapy or a drug regimen.

“The idea is that it could be used as a supplemental therapy,” Vincent says. “In addition to treatment, people suffering from depression in the winter months should try to be more active. Winter is a time when people tend to be more sedentary, and getting more exercise can help improve mood.”

一个 2016年研究 involving 122 participants with MDD found light therapy — either alone or in combination with the antidepressant medicationfluoxetine(百忧解) - 有效改善抑郁症状。

一个2017 trialof people with bipolar I or II disorder found light therapy improved depression remission rates and lowered depression rates over a 6-week trial period. The light therapy was an adjunct to bipolar disorder treatment, and the researchers did not observe any changes in mood polarity.


Once you’ve had a doctor’s sign off, you can start by reading the instructions provided by the light box manufacturer.

一个light with lower intensity may require longer exposure time — meaning you’ll have to sit in front of the box longer. The instructions can also help you identify specific risks and hazards for the brand of the light.

To use a light therapy lamp with 10,000 lux intensity, follow these steps:

  1. Place the lamp on a counter, desk, or other surface.
  2. 根据制造商的说明,坐着或站在与灯的正确距离处。
  3. Keep your eyes open and do not sleep during light therapy sessions.
  4. Do not stare directly at the light box or lamp.
  5. Start with 30 minutes of exposure per day.
  6. Schedule light therapy sessions as soon as possible after waking up, between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

You can adjust this schedule and the duration of sessions according to how you feel. You can also try passing the time in front of the light box with an activity like reading a book or working, as long as you’re still facing the light.

Many people experience some benefits from light therapy within a few days.

Symptoms of depression should improve in about 2 weeks. If they do not, you can increase your time in front of a 10,000 lux lamp to 60 minutes per day. If this does not work, you can reach out to a doctor for advice.

If you find that light therapy works for you, you may want to make changes to the routine. For example, you can reduce the time in front of the lamp to 15 minutes, or schedule it at a different time of day.

You can also take a break from light therapy for a day or two. However, most people with MDD with seasonal patterns continue to use light therapy regularly over the winter (or days when there’s less sunlight available) to prevent symptoms from returning.


It’s often effective, possibly due to the effects on your circadian rhythm and levels of serotonin in the brain.

Light therapy may have several side effects, but most of these are mild and can be prevented. Talk with a doctor if you feel light therapy might be a good treatment option for you.