重度抑郁症(MDD), also known as clinical depression, major depression, or unipolar depression, is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States.

More than 1730万 美国成年人在2017年至少有一次抑郁症发作 - 这就是 7.1 percent 在18岁以上的美国人口中。



Here are some questions to ask yourself, and others to ask your doctor if you have MDD.


Seeing a healthcare provider who specializes in treating mental health conditions may be the best option for you. These providers include:

While all PCPs are licensed to prescribe antidepressants, most psychologists and counselors are not.

Most people will see the most beneficial results when their depression treatment consists of both药物psychotherapy.

If your doctor is using only one type of treatment and you feel that your condition isn’t being treated thoroughly, ask about adding a second component, which may increase your chances of success and recovery.

The goal of treatment for depression isn’t to relieve一些symptoms, but to relieve most, if not all, symptoms.

If you have anylingering symptoms抑郁症,与您的医生谈谈。他们可以帮助您调整治疗计划以减轻他们。

Anirregular sleep pattern可能表明您的抑郁症没有得到充分或完全治疗。对于大多数抑郁症患者失眠是最大的问题。

However, some people feel as if they can’t get enough sleep, despite many hours of sleep each day. This is calledhypersomnia.


Research shows that46%自杀死亡的人有一种已知的心理健康障碍。

If you’ve thought about suicide, or a loved one has expressed thoughts of taking their life, get help right away. Contact a healthcare professional or seek help from a mental health provider.

If left untreated, depression can have a serious impact on a person and their family. It can lead to other complications, both physical and emotional, including:

  • alcohol misuse
  • 物质使用障碍
  • anxiety disorder
  • family conflicts or relationship problems
  • 工作或学校有关的问题
  • 社会隔离或难以建立和维持关系
  • suicide
  • immune disorders

Several different types of抗抑郁药可以用来治疗抑郁症。抗抑郁药通常按照其影响的大脑中的化学物质(神经递质)进行分类。


Talk with your doctor about your medication regimen. Treatment of depression usually requires both medication and psychotherapy in order to be successful.