

Seasonal depression is more common than you may think. Approximately 14 percent 美国人体验了“冬季蓝调”。

These blues can be especially overwhelming during a time of change. Christmas and New Year’s Eve often present challenging demands, from never-ending parties to family obligations. These events can come with higher levels of stress.

If you’re dealing with feelings of stress or depression, know that you aren’t alone. There are ways to manage your symptoms and get the help you need.

Learn more: The psychology of the holiday blues »

The most common symptom of the holiday blues is amplified depression. This is true of people who may or may not being dealing with depression already.

You may be experiencing a bout of seasonal depression if you feel like simple activities are more difficult than normal. This includes getting out of bed, making dinner, and taking a walk.

Other symptoms of the blues include:

  • feeling more tired than usual
  • losing interest in things that used to bring you joy
  • having trouble concentrating

There are many things that can contribute to the holiday blues. Whether it’s something as simple as overscheduling yourself or a deeper emotional need, it’s possible to work through your feelings and start anew.


  1. Limit alcohol –限制您的酒精摄入量,并尽量不要将其随时随地提供。如果您要参加聚会,并且知道酒精可以访问,请将自己限制为一两个饮料。喝酒过量会影响您的心情,并扩大您可能产生的任何负面情绪。
  2. 睡个好觉 -Try to go to bed at a specific time each night. Being well-rested can improve your mood and help you feel ready to take on the day.
  3. Learn to say “no” –过度安排和不为自己腾出时间会导致情感崩溃。了解如何说“否”,并坚持您的决定。
  4. Be open to new traditions –You may have an image of what you think the holiday should consist of, and this may not be what’s actually happening. Instead of holding on to what the holiday should have been, allow new traditions to unfold.
  5. 哀悼亲人时得到支持如果您经历了失去亲人的失去,那么假期可能会特别艰难。尽管孤立自己和悲伤可能很诱人,但与您的朋友和家人共度时光可能是有益的。他们可以在这个困难的时期为您提供支持。
  6. 与亲人共度时光 -与其在家中度过假期,不如让您的朋友或家人一起参加您的晚餐聚会。多多益善!您可以用活泼的装饰涂抹东西,并为您的生活空间添加欢迎的花卉布置。
  7. Exercise regularly –插入你的耳机d pop out for a walk around the block a couple of times a day. A quick 10-minute walk will get your heart rate up and release mood-boosting endorphins.
  8. 做一些有趣的事情在最近的一次分手-It can be difficult to be alone when you’re nursing an aching heart. Instead of sitting at home, fill up your calendar with activities. Websites such asmeetup.com几乎在一周的每个晚上,都提供小组郊游,例如晚餐和跳舞。
  9. Avoid overeating –在参加社交活动之前,请填补蔬菜。您甚至可以装满一个小的三明治袋和零食。假期郊游通常会导致暴饮暴食,这可能会影响您的情绪和整体幸福感。


If you’re still feeling depressed after the holidays are over, you may be dealing with more than just a case of the holiday blues. You should speak with your doctor about your symptoms. They can help you determine the cause and develop a treatment plan.


