
Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is an anxious personality disorder characterized by an inability to be alone. People with DPD develop焦虑症状when they’re not around others. They rely on other people for comfort, reassurance, advice, and support.

没有这种情况的人有时会涉及不安全感。不同之处在于,患有DPD的人需要向他人放心才能发挥作用。根据Cleveland Clinic,患有这种情况的人通常首先显示在阿杜斯早期至中期的迹象。

A condition must fall into one of the following clusters to be classified as a人格障碍

  • 集群A:奇怪或偏心行为
  • 集群B:emotional or erratic behavior
  • 集群C:焦虑,紧张的行为


People with DPD may require constant reassurance. They can become devastated when relationships and friendships are severed.


这些症状中的一些对于患有焦虑症。People with medical conditions such asdepressionor绝经may also experience some of these symptoms. Contact your doctor to receive a specific diagnosis if you experience any of the above symptoms.

It’s unknown what causes people to develop DPD. However, experts cite both biological and developmental factors.


你的医生会给你一个physical examto see if a physical illness could be the source of symptoms, particularly anxiety. This may include blood tests to check forhormone imbalances。If tests are inconclusive, your doctor will likely refer you to a心理健康专家

A psychiatrist or psychologist usually diagnoses DPD. They’ll take your symptoms, history, and mental state into account during diagnosis.

诊断begins with a detailed history of your symptoms. This includes how long you’ve been experiencing them and how they came about. Your doctor may also ask questions about your childhood and your present life.


Psychotherapy is usually used on a short-term basis. Long-term therapy could put you at risk of growing dependent on your therapist.

Medications can help relieveanxietyanddepression,但通常被用作最后的手段。您的治疗师或医生可能会为您开药,以治疗由于极度焦虑而引起的惊恐发作。一些焦虑和抑郁的药物是习惯性的,因此您可能必须定期去看医生prescription dependence



Complications that can arise from untreated DPD are:




