人类天生周围 10,000个味蕾 , most of which are located directly on the tongue. These taste buds help us enjoy the five primary tastes:

  • 甜的
  • 酸的
  • 苦的
  • 鲜味



Our taste buds are responsible for helping us enjoy the many flavors the world has to offer. When our taste buds encounter food and other substances, the taste cells inside send messages to the brain that help us make sense of what we are tasting. These taste cells work in conjunction with chemical and physical senses to produce what we know as “flavor.”

Changes in our taste buds can greatly affect the way we perceive flavor. Foods can become bland and lack flavor. Your perception of flavor, especially via your taste buds, can beimpairedby a variety of factors, from infections to medications, and more.

1.Viral or bacterial infections

Upper respiratory infections, whether viral or bacterial, can causesymptoms就像鼻塞和流鼻涕一样。这些症状可以减少您的气味,这反过来会影响您对口味的感知。



影响口腔或大脑神经的神经系统疾病,例如Parkinson’s disease,多发性硬化症(MS), andAlzheimer’s disease, may cause a change in the perception of taste. In addition, some non-nervous system disorders, such as cancer, can alter taste perception – especially duringtreatment.

Ultimately, any medical condition that affects the brain, nose, or mouth can also result in a change to your taste buds.

3.Nutrient deficiencies

Malnutritioncan cause a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the taste buds to function properly. Deficiencies in the following nutrients may lead to a loss of taste:

  • 维生素A。
  • vitamin B6
  • 维生素B12
  • zinc
  • copper


发现沿神经通路从口腔到the brain are responsible for taste bud function and the perception of flavor. Nerve damage anywhere along this pathway, whether from injury or illness, can contribute to a change in your taste buds.

一些潜力 causes of nerve damage that can impact your sense of taste include:

  • 耳朵感染
  • ear surgery
  • dental procedures
  • 嘴外科手术
  • facial nerve dysfunction
  • brain trauma


Some medications may change your taste buds and alter your perception of taste. The most common medications that affect your sense of taste are angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, which are used to treat high blood pressure.

其他药物可能会通过导致口干而导致味觉变化,这使得味蕾很难识别味觉化学物质。一些共同 medications 导致口干包括:

  • antibiotics
  • 抗抑郁药
  • antifungals
  • antihistamines
  • 抗高血压
  • 抗炎
  • antipsychotics
  • antivirals
  • CNS medications
  • 利尿剂
  • 肌肉放松剂
  • 甲状腺药物



The loss of smell that occurs with aging can also lead to a decrease in the sense of taste as we age. In addition, many of the illnesses and conditions we experience as we age – some of which have been listed above – can have a negative influence on our taste buds.



In one study from 2017 , researchers explored changes in the perception of taste in smokers who quit smoking. Initially, a high nicotine dependence correlated with a lower taste sensitivity in study participants. As the study period progressed, the researcher observed improvements in taste bud function in as little as two weeks.


根据 animal research 从2006年开始,我们的味蕾本身一次营业,每10天,而进一步 研究 从2010年开始,这些味蕾周转率中约有10%的细胞。





When medications are the cause of loss of taste, your doctor may choose to adjust or change your medication to alleviate this side effect.

If you have a sudden loss of taste that accompanies symptoms of more serious conditions, such as a head injury, mouth injury, stroke, or other nervous system condition, it’s time to visit a doctor. They can assess your medical history and if necessary, run further diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause.

Taste bud changes can occur naturally as we age or may be caused by an underlying medical condition. Viral and bacterial illnesses of the upper respiratory system are a common cause of loss of taste. In addition, many commonly prescribed medications can also lead to a change in the function of the taste buds. In some cases, a more serious underlying condition may be causing a change in the perception of taste.

如果你有been experiencing a change in your taste buds that you can’t explain or that won’t go away, schedule a visit with your doctor for further testing.