一个merican Dental Association (ADA)recommends that you clean between your teeth using floss, or an alternative interdental cleaner, once each day. They also recommend that youbrush your teeth每天两次用氟化物牙膏2分钟。


By flossing and brushing your teeth, you’re removing plaque and the bacteria in it that feeds on sugar and particles of food that remain in your mouth after eating.



艾达suggests that the best time to floss is the time that comfortably fits into your schedule.

While some people like to include flossing as part of their morning ritual and start the day with a clean mouth, others prefer flossing before bedtime so they go to bed with a clean mouth.


一个 2018年研究 suggested that it’s better to首先牙线,然后刷。该研究表明,牙线首先从牙齿之间松开细菌和碎屑,然后刷牙清洗了这些颗粒。


However, the ADA maintains that either flossing first or brushing first is acceptable, depending on what you prefer.

No, you can’t floss too much unless you’re flossing incorrectly. If you apply too much pressure when you floss, or if you floss too vigorously, you may damage your teeth and gums.

You may need to floss more than once a day, especially after meals, to clean out food or debris that’s stuck between your teeth.



  • 牙线(打蜡或解开)
  • dental tape
  • pre-threaded flossers
  • water flossers
  • 动力牙线牙线
  • 木制或塑料镐
  • tiny flossing brushes (proxy brushes)

Talk to your dentist to see which is best for you. Find one that you like and use it regularly.

Braces are appliances applied to your teeth by an orthodontist to:

  • straighten teeth
  • 牙齿之间的差距
  • correct bite problems
  • 正确对齐牙齿和嘴唇


  • 减少淀粉和含糖食品和饮料,这些食物有助于牙菌斑
  • brushing after every meal to clear food particles from your braces
  • 彻底冲洗以清除食物颗粒,留下的刷子
  • using a fluoride rinse, if it’s been recommended by your orthodontist or dentist
  • flossing regularly and thoroughly to maintain excellent oral health

Whenflossing with braces, there are some tools to consider using:

  • 牙线螺纹,在电线下牙线
  • 蜡牙,牙线不太可能抓住牙套
  • water flosser, an interdental flossing tool that uses water
  • 牙齿牙齿刷,清理碎屑和斑块,这些碎屑和斑块被夹在支架和电线上,牙齿之间

这一个merican Dental Association suggests that you brush your teeth twice a day — about 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste — and use an interdental cleaner, such as floss, once a day. You can floss before or after you brush.

In addition to home brushing and flossing, schedule regular visits with your dentist to identify potential dental problems early, when treatment is commonly simpler and more affordable.