Why are gum grafts performed?


A gum graft, also known as a gingival graft, can correctreceding gums。您的牙医可能会将您转介给牙周手,口香糖专家,以进行此简单的外科手术。

In a gum graft, your periodontist first removes a piece of tissue from the roof of your mouth or from nearby healthy gum tissue. They next attach it to the area where your gums have worn away. This procedure is relatively quick, and you can leave as soon as it’s done.

Keep reading to learn how to prepare, what happens during the procedure, and tips for recovery.

There are three types of gum grafts:

  • free gingival graft
  • 结缔组织移植物
  • 椎弓根(侧)移植





In rare cases, your periodontist may allow you to have general anesthesia so that you can be unconscious during the procedure. This usually isn’t recommended because of the risks that go along with general anesthesia.


免费牙龈移植:Your periodontist removes a small piece of tissue from the roof of your mouth and suture (stitch) it to the area that needs gum tissue. You’ll likely get this type of graft if your gums are thin and need extra tissue to prevent further recession.

Connective tissue graft:您的牙周医生在嘴巴的屋顶上打开一个小襟翼,并从组织顶层下方去除一块结缔组织。他们将这种组织缝合到需要牙龈组织的区域。这是最常见的移植类型。

椎弓根移植物:Your periodontist creates a flap of tissue from an area right next to your gum recession and uses the flap to cover the area of receding gum tissue. In this procedure, gum tissue is moved over the recession with local tissue rather than being taken from another part of your mouth. This type of graft is usually the most successful because it doesn’t cut off blood flow in any part of your mouth. For this to work, you need plenty of gum tissue in the areas around your gum recession.

The procedure usually doesn’t take long. Once your periodontist has finished suturing up the graft, they’ll likely have you wash your mouth out with antibacterial mouthwash.

They’ll also discuss how to care for the graft until it’s completely healed.

Gum grafts can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. If you’re insured, this procedure may be covered in full or at little out-of-pocket cost to you. You may be able to have the procedure done for free if you have dental insurance as part of an Affordable Care Act plan.




  • 鸡蛋,尤其是炒或煮的鸡蛋
  • 酸奶
  • 煮熟直到柔软的蔬菜
  • 干酪
  • 冰淇淋
  • 明胶,例如果冻



如果您要处理任何疼痛或不适,请进行非处方止痛药,例如naproxen(Aleve), may provide relief.


Complications of a gum graft are rare. Infections are uncommon. But see your doctor right away if you notice any oozing or unexpected bleeding around the graft site.




You should be fully healed from a gum graft in one to two weeks. You’ll need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your periodontist a week or so after the procedure so that they can make sure you’re healing properly and the graft is successful.

After about two weeks, you should be able to brush and floss again. Full healing of the area of the graft may take a month or more depending on your overall health and how well you take care of your mouth during recovery.