口腔受伤很常见,尤其是在儿童和更容易发生跌倒或接触运动事故的人中。虽然牙龈上的割可能不如其他类型的频率口伤, they can still happen.

Knowing how to promptly treat a cut on the gums at home is important. This helps the wound heal and prevents infection. It’s also important to know when to seek medical treatment.


You may have experienced cuts around the outside of your mouth or face. It’s also possible to get these types of injuries inside your mouth, along the gums above your teeth.

This can result from:

  • 掉落
  • a sports injury
  • 尖锐的物体放在嘴里

It’s also possible to get cuts in between your teeth. This is less likely to occur due to falls and other injuries, but rather more likely to result from:

  • flossing improperly
  • using hard-bristled toothbrushes
  • 使用牙签等物体

Cuts on the gums are likely to bleed a lot. This is because the gums have a large blood supply, similar to your tongue and lip areas.

Aside from bleeding and tears in your gum tissues, you may notice other changes in the appearance of your gums. These could include changes in color and texture. You should also be on the lookout for signs of a gum infection.

Gum color


It’s not uncommon for wounds inside the mouth to变白。这是对创伤的标准反应,应在几天内清除。


In response to injury, your gums maybecome swollen,使其大小比以前的大小更大。肿胀的区域也可能显得红色,而且感觉温柔和酸痛


Signs of a possible infection may include:

  • fever
  • chills
  • pus出来
  • red streaks emitting outward from the cut
  • 嘴里恶化疼痛
  • 受影响的口香糖区域的肿胀增加



  1. Stop the bleeding.The first step is to gently apply a clean cloth or paper towel to your gums for 5 to 10 minutes to help stop the bleeding. You may also rinse your mouth with cool water to remove any debris sticking to the cut.
  2. Try a salt rinse.这可以帮助您保持切割清洁,因此不会被感染。要冲洗盐,请将1茶匙盐与1杯温水混合,然后冲洗几秒钟。您可以根据需要全天重复冲洗,尤其是在饭后。
  3. Modify your diet.Temporary changes to your diet may help decrease discomfort and allow your gum cut to heal. Consider a diet of soft foods, and avoid those that are hot, spicy, or citrus-based. Sucking on ice cubes or popsicles may also help soothe swelling.
  4. 使用凉爽的压缩。您可以考虑在牙龈上的切口上施加凉爽的压缩。您可以通过在凉水下运行一块软布,然后将其涂在受影响区域中以供20 minutes
  5. Try medication.非处方(OTC)止痛药可以用来帮助缓解与牙龈切割有关的轻度疼痛和不适。选项包括布洛芬(Advil)或对乙酰氨基酚(泰诺)。在服用OTC药物之前,请务必询问您的医生,并仔细遵循剂量说明。

Clinical treatments



A healthcare professional will give you a prescription for a course of antibiotics, which usually run for at least 7 days. It’s important to take your full prescription, even if your gum infection is improving.

While your gums are tender and may bleed easier than other areas of the body, they’re also more likely to heal quickly. You can expect a minor cut on the gums to heal within 3 to 4 days.






Other signs that warrant emergency care include:

  • breathing difficulties
  • difficulty swallowing fluids and food
  • gum swelling or pain that makes it hard to close your mouth




你应该叫dentist if you think you have a tooth injury that occurs with bleeding gums, with or without visible cuts.

Cuts on the gums may be caused by sharp or hard objects placed inside your mouth or by falls and other types of injuries. Most gum cuts are mild and resolve on their own with home care.
