
当您您可以用作解决方案缺少一颗以上的牙齿, too. In fact, dental bridges are commonly used when someone is missing two or more consecutive teeth.


  • restore your ability to do things like chew properly
  • improve your bite
  • keep other teeth from shifting out of position




牙齿,牙齿,牙科,牙科工作,牙医,悬臂牙桥,桥梁 Share on Pinterest
A cantilever dental bridge can be used when there are existing teeth on one side of the missing tooth. Alexis Lira.


Cantilever bridges that use an implant for support can have very good success rates. A 2010 study found a 5-year success rate of94.3%用于植入物支撑的固定牙齿假肢,以取代一颗牙齿。

Your dentist may speak with you about the benefits of opting for a cantilever dental bridge. There are several possible benefits, including:

  • 如果您缺少牙齿,悬臂牙桥是消除沿着牙龈线的差距的一种方法。
  • 因为可以使用的零件较少,所以悬臂牙桥可能比其他一些选择便宜。
  • 您无需依靠两个基于牙齿的牙齿来安装悬臂牙桥。
  • It doesn’t take as long to install as a solution that involves a dental implant.

Cantilever support can be a little tricky. For that reason, cantilever bridges are often used only when one tooth is missing.

另外,位置很重要。咀嚼食物时,您的后牙必须能够承受很多力量。 Research from 2012 暗示悬臂桥在嘴前(前方)而不是背面使用时可能是更好的选择。


It might not be the best choice in areas where you have a type ofmalocclusion(未对准)被称为underbite, according to a 2012 review 影响固定悬臂桥的可行性的因素。

Additionally, your dentist may want to check on your teeth alignment, because uneven pressure might cause a cantilever bridge to break or fail. And there’s always a risk of the bridge loosening over time because it’s only anchored on one side.

The process of installing a cantilever dental bridge may require a couple of visits to your dentist’s office.


  1. Your dentist will start by taking impressions for the bridge.
  2. 下一步是准备基牙。这可能需要从牙齿上取出一些搪瓷和牙本质,因此可以将冠放在顶部。
  3. 您的牙医将为永久冠军留下印象。
  4. A temporary crown may be placed on top, and your dentist might even place a temporary bridge, while the permanent bridge is being made in a lab.

At the next visit:

  1. Your dentist will remove the temporary bridge, if one was placed.
  2. 您的牙医将将新桥梁安装在适当的位置,并在牙齿上戴上永久性冠,然后对其进行调整。
  3. The cantilever dental bridge will be cemented in place.

If you’re contemplating major dental work, you’ll certainly want to take the potential cost into account. A cantilever dental bridge can run anywhere between$2,000 and $5,000for a pontic and crown for each abutment tooth.





A traditional牙桥结合了与水泥相连的人造牙齿,这些牙齿与两侧的基牙牙齿上。



Dental implant

而不是安装一个桥,你的牙医开启t suggest a dental implant, depending on your situation.

某些条件或其他事实可以 增加 the risk of a dental implant failure, though. These include:

  • 糖尿病
  • 吸烟的历史
  • a history of head and neck radiation
  • 骨质疏松症

此外,随着人们的年龄,植入物衰竭更有可能。但是,总体故障率仍然很低。 2018 research

Dental implant-supported bridge




部分义齿can sometimes be used to fill in gaps left by missing teeth, too. Remember that dentures are removable, so you’ll have to take them out and clean them on a daily basis.

And they may not last as long as you’d like. One 2017 study suggested thatnearly 40 percent由于美学和痛苦的问题,人们在5年内停止使用可移动的部分义齿。



That might be a cantilever dental bridge or it might be another type of bridge, depending on your individual situation.